Module 4: Using OLinks to format citations

The OLinks Citation Formatter requires a browser with solid support for the CSS formatting standard. Please either enable CSS in your browser or use a browser with more reliable CSS support. Current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape (version 7.x), Mozilla, Opera, and Safari work with the Citation Formatter. Citations displayed in Netscape 4.x may not be formatted correctly.

Depending on the database, your citation may not be complete. Use the form below to supply any missing information.
If you are using an electronic version of your article, please see these tips for citing electronic sources.
To maintain proper formatting, copy from this line…

Watson, Sandy White. and Linda. Johnston. "Teaching Science to the Visually Impaired." Science Teacher 71.6 (2004): 30-35.

…through this line. Delete extra lines in your word processor.

This citation has been formatted automatically, using style rules from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th edition, 2003.

Please note: Most combinations of browsers and word processors will allow you to copy this citation and paste it into a document with the formatting intact. You should always double-check the final result. You are responsible for the completeness and formatting of citations you include in papers, manuscripts, and course assignments.

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Last Updated: 6/27/22