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AUTHORS (in alphabetical order):


Chen, Jiquan. [complete list].


Friedrich, Russell. (Department of Environmental Sciences). With Stacy M. Philpott. “Nest-site Limitation and Nesting Resources of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Urban Green Spaces.” Environmental Entomology 38, no. 3 (2009): 600-607.


Philpott, Stacy M. (Department of Environmental Sciences). With others “Beyond Reserves:  A Research Agenda for Conserving Biodiversity in Tropical Cultural Landscapes.” Biotropica  41 (2009): 142-153.


With others. “Arboreal Ant Abundance and Leaf Miner Damage in Coffee Agroecosystems.” Biotropica 40 (2008): 742-746.


With other. “Linking Consumers to Sustainability:  Incorporating Science into Eco-friendly Certification.” Globalizations 5 (2008): 247-258.


With others. “Climatic Drivers of Hemispheric Asymmetry in Global Patterns of Ant Species Richness.” Ecology Letters 12 (2009): 324-333.


A Groforestry Systems as Model Systems for Tropical Ecology.” Ecology 89 (2008): 913-914.


With Peter Bichier and others. “Biodiversity Loss in Latin American Coffee Landscapes:  Reviewing Evidence on Ants, Birds, and Trees.” Conservation Biology 22 (2008): 1093-1105.


With Peter Bichier and others. “Biodiversity, Yields, and Farmer Incomes in Coffee Agroecosystems:  Implications for Ecological and Economic Sustainability in Sumatra, Indonesia.” Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (2008): 1805-1820.


With others. “A Multi-scale Assessment of Hurricane Impacts Based on Land-use and Topographic Features.” Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 128 (2008):12-20.


With others. “Behavioral Diversity of Predatory Ants in Coffee Agroecosystems.” Environmental Entomology 37 (2008): 181-191.


With others. “Effects of Predatory Ants on Lower Trophic Levels Across a Gradient of Coffee Management Complexity.” Journal of Animal Ecology 77 (2008): 505-511.


With others. “Spatial Scale and Density Dependence in a Host Parasitoid System:  An Arboreal Ant, Azteca instabilis and its Pseudacteon Phorid Parasitoid.” Environmental Entomology 38 (2009): 790-796.


With others. “Functional Traits and Ecosystem Services:  Bird Predation on Arthropods in Tropical Agroecosystems.” Ecological Applications 19 (2009): 1858-1867.


With others. “Towards a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Coffee Communities and Ecosystems in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico.” Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change 14 (2009): 605-625.


With Peter Bichier and others. “Birds as Top Predators Across Natural and Managed Systems.” Ecology 89 (2008): 928-934.


With others. “Clusters of Ant Colonies and Robust Criticality in a Tropical Agroecosystem.” Nature 451 (2008): 457-460.