Wellness and Health Promotion


National Barbecue Day- July 4

It’s Independence Day and it’s always a great day to barbecue with friends and family.  Make sure to stay safe and handle your food properly.  For all things safety while barbecuing, visit the USDA.

Need some new inspiration for barbecuing? Click to get some barbecue recipes from Food Network.

National Strawberry Sundae Day- July 7

A strawberry sundae is perfect for a hot day!  Strawberries are packed with nutrients and kids (and adults) love them!  Enjoy a strawberry sundae with friends today!

Strawberry Sundae from Eating Well

Pick Blueberries Day- July 10

Blueberries are in season!  Picking your own blueberries provides many benefits.  When you pick blueberries straight from a local farm you are getting the most nutrients when you pick them ripe.  The longer any fruit or vegetable is allowed to ripen on the vine, the more nutrients it is able to pack in.  Supporting local farms is also a great benefit to your local economy and it’s a lot cheaper to buy direct from the source.

Go pick some fresh blueberries today! 

Local Blueberry U-pick Farms:

Johnston Fruit Farms

Erie Orchards and Cider Mill

National Blueberry Muffin Day- July 11

Since we celebrated Pick Blueberries Day yesterday, we can celebrate blueberry muffin day today!  Blueberries are a quick and easy snack but, you can make a tasty treat of blueberry muffins. 

Click for a healthier recipe for Blueberry Muffins from Eating Well


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Last Updated: 6/27/22