Wellness and Health Promotion


National Egg Day- June 3

Eggs have gotten a bad rap in the past because they contain a lot of cholesterol.  However, it has been shown that eggs do not increase your risk for heart disease.  Eggs are actually very nutritious and have many benefits.  They also help raise your HDL cholesterol (your good cholesterol).  Eggs also help you feel full longer, which can help maintain weight.

10 Proven Health Benefits of Eggs from Authority Nutrition

10 easy egg recipes from Real Simple

National Cheese Day- June 4

The most popular cheeses are typically made from cow’s milk but there are many cheeses made from goat, sheep, camel, mare, buffalo, or yak.  In the Western world cow, goat, and sheep milk is typically used. Cheese is high in protein and provides vitamins A, B and B12 and the minerals calcium and phosphorus.

Cheese can be very fascinating, click for more information.

For other cheese information:

National Dairy Council

Healthful reasons to enjoy cheese

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day- June 7

A serving of ice cream is ½ cup. Enjoy a scoop of chocolate ice cream today.

Want to make your own chocolate ice cream?  Here’s how

National Lobster Day- June 15

Lobsters have not always had the reputation as being a delicacy.  Before the 19th century, lobsters were used as fertilizer and there were actual laws forbidding land owners to feed their servants lobster more than twice a week.  In the 19th century transportation changed all that and lobster was able to be shipped inland where it soon became the delicacy as we look at it today.

Visit National Geographic for more information on lobster.

Here's a delicious grilled lobster tail recipe from Bobby Flay

International Picnic Day- June 18

Most people enjoy picnics but, it can be a lot of work.  Here are some tips to help you have a fun, safe, and less stressed picnic today.

It also may just be fun to do some tasty grilling in your backyard.  Try this delicious Brown Sugar and Mustard Salmon recipe on the grill.

National Strawberry Parfait Day- June 25

It’s strawberry season.  What a great way to use fresh strawberries at the peak of the season! Strawberries are packed with lots of nutrients and when paired with yogurt in a parfait, can make a great start to any morning.

For a healthy strawberry parfait recipe visit the National Institutes of Health.


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Last Updated: 6/27/22