The Instrumentation Center

SCOPE Sessions

The SCOPE Program can be utilized as an on-site program, where we visit your school and talk to your class(es) in person, or as a remote program, where we connect via video conferencing software like Zoom, Google Meet, or Webex. Scroll down for more information about how SCOPE sessions are run.

 On Site Sessions:

  1. Our team will visit your school to set up everything for the session.
  2. One scientist will remain on campus and video chat with us. This team member will help with physically loading the samples and focusing/finding a good area of our sample to view.
  3. Each session begins with an explanation of how the microscope works and how the scientist in your classroom uses the instrument for their research.
  4. Once the instrument and/or research is covered, your students get to use the instrument. Our team does not control the instrument from the classroom, that is left for your students! 
onsite and on campus
Pictured: A high school student uses the SEM directly from her classroom and a member of our team video conferences with a class


Remote sessions: 

  1. Our team will contact you and make sure all the necessary software is downloaded.
  2. Our team members will be on campus to video chat, physically load samples, and help with focusing/finding a good area of each sample to view.
  3. Each session begins with a short presentation about how the microscope works and the module chosen by the teacher.
  4. Once the instrument and topic is covered, your students get to use the instrument. Our team does not control the instrument, that is left for your students!

remote lesson

Pictured: Students remotely access the Scanning Electron Microscope while meeting through Google Meet

Last Updated: 6/10/24