The Interdisciplinary Minor in Disability Studies
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Required Courses (6 credit hours)
DST 2020: Introduction to Disability Studies [3 credit hours]
At least one of the following courses:
- DST 3030: Disability Culture [3 credit hours] OR
- DST 3040: Disability, Technology and Society [3 credit hours], OR
- DST 3060: U.S. Disability History [3 credit hours] OR
- DST 3090: Disability and American Literature [3 credit hours]
Electives (minimum of 12 hours required)
DST 2410: Introduction to Deaf Studies
DST 2980: Special Topics in DST
DST 3030: Disability Culture
DST 3040: Disability, Technology, and Society
DST 3060: U.S. Disability History
DST 3090: Disability in American Literature
DST 3250: Disability & Life Writing
DST 3980: Special Topics in DST
DST 4200: Crip Art, Crip Culture
DST 4400: Gender and Disability
DST 4500: Asylums, Prisons, and Total Institutions
DST 4640: Disability, Law and Human Rights
DST 4800: Autism and Culture
DST 4890: Research and Methodologies in Disability Studies
DST 4940: Internship [3 credit hours]
DST 4980: Special Topics in DST