Department of Psychology

Jason Liou

Publications & Presentations


Jason, Liou, Hannah, C., Herc, Kelsey, J., Pritchard, Justin, R., Leiter-Mcbeth, Peter, G., Mezo (2019, November). The Effect of Virtual Reality Mindfulness Meditation on Heart Rate Variability, Emotion Regulation, and Mindfulness. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, Atlanta, GA.

Peter, G., Mezo, Justin, R., Leiter-Mcbeth, Jason, Liou (2019, November). The Conceptual Relationship between Self-Management and Mindfulness. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, Atlanta, GA.
Liou, J., & Mezo, P., (2020, May 21-24). The Relationship between Self-management and Optimism Mediated by Worry [Conference Session]. APS Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. (Conference canceled)
Leiter-Mcbeth R. J., Liou, J., Herc, C. H., Rangel, M., & Mezo, G. P. (2020, May 21-24). The Breath-Counting Task and Interoceptive Sensibility. [Conference Session]. APS Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. (Conference canceled)
Last Updated: 6/27/22