Judith Herb College of Education

Dr. Randy Vesely

Dr. Randy Vesely
Associate Professor
Educational Administration and Supervision Program
Department of Educational Studies

Randall (Randy) Vesely received his Ph.D. in Administrative Leadership in Urban Education from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He has developed and taught a range of Educational Administration courses which include the following: Administration of Secondary/Elementary Schools, Problems in Human Relations and Cultural Awareness, Service Learning for Diversity, Public School Personnel Management, Practicum in Educational Leadership, Economic Dimensions of Education, Introduction to Research Methods, Workshop on Selected Problems in School Administration, Master’s Seminar and Instruction in the Context of Curriculum. His continuing research interests have focused on equity and social justice in funding for elementary and secondary education. Dr. Vesely serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Education Finance, on the Board of Advisors of the National Education Finance Conference, and on the Board of Trustees of the Urban Leadership Development Program for Toledo Public Schools. 

Gillham Hall Room 4000-W
Mail Stop 921
Phone: 419.530.8438
Fax: 419.530.8447



Last Updated: 7/15/24