The University of Toledo | Confronting Challenges

Confronting Challenges

Addressing Societal Concerns Through Academic Research

Climate change, pollution and an aging population all represent serious concerns for our global society. At UToledo, researchers are answering the questions of today while preparing solutions for the future.

Jason Huntley, Ph.D., performing an experiment with test tubes behind a glass shield with protective equipment on

There are numerous highly infectious diseases for which we have no vaccine and limited therapeutic options. A $7 million expansion of UToledo’s biosafety level 3 laboratory, led by Jason Huntley, Ph.D., a professor of medical microbiology and immunology, will expand the ability of researchers and students to safely study current and emerging pathogens and better position the University to respond to future pandemics.

Jason Huntley, Ph.D., standing in front of a sculpture of DNA

In the latest example of the close collaboration between UToledo and the U.S. Department of Energy’s national laboratories, Yanfa Yan, Ph.D., a Distinguished University Professor of physics, co-authored a study published in the journal Nature proving the durability of high-efficacy perovskite solar cells, moving them closer to commercial availability.

Yanfa Yan, Ph.D., working in a lab with complex machinery, wearing a white lab coat

A study overseen by Varun Vaidya, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacy practice, highlights the need for reforms addressing drug affordability by showing many of the country’s most prescribed generic medications, which include treatments for common, chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, can be purchased more cheaply when patients use pharmacy discount card services from Amazon Prime and GoodRx than by going through their insurance.

Varun Vaidya, Ph.D., standing outdoors on UToledo's campus, wearing a business suit

Branching out from their near decade-long study of the health effects of harmful algal blooms, David Kennedy, Ph.D. and Steven Haller, Ph.D., both associate professors of medicine, are investigating emergent threats in the Great Lakes including microplastics and forever chemicals.

David Kennedy, Ph.D. and Steven Haller, Ph.D. looking over documents in a laboratory setting

Chemical engineer Dong Shik Kim, Ph.D., received a Fulbright Global Scholar Award for his research on using DNA origami nanostructures for medical diagnosis. He recently traveled to Turkey as a Fulbright Global Scholar to continue his work on applying the novel technology to diagnosing and monitoring diabetes.

Dong Shik Kim, Ph.D., standing in a sun-lit hallway, wearing a business suit

Researchers from across the University continue to play a leading role in seeking solutions for harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie and beyond, leading nearly two dozen studies funded by the Ohio Sea Grant, including projects aimed at quantifying risks for those who work or play on the water and better understanding pathways for human exposure.

A pair of hands holding a measuring device from a boat above Lake Erie

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Last Updated: 7/15/24