"Rocky the Rocket" Display

At the front and center of this exhibition is The University of Toledo's historic mascot: Rocky the Rocket. This exhibit occupies a pivotal place in this exhibition: It has become one of the most visible symbols of the University of Toledo institutional heritage and identity, and in this exhibition, it forms a part of the Sports and Recreation exhibit. The mascot's origin lies in UT's athletic history, as its name was inspired by a sports writer who used Rockets in reference to the playing style of UT athletes in the 1920s.

Rocky the Rocket Display

Business and Industry

“Stone and mortar, bricks and machinery can be duplicated, but the workers cannot.”

Business and Industry

Disability History

“A…handicap affects every relationship, alters the attitudes of others, and challenges one’s self-esteem. It requires meticulous minute-by-minute monitoring and control to an extent quite unperceived and unimaginable by the able-bodied.”

Disability History

Government and Law

“Toledo’s modern government is…the result of a tightening up process, the leadership of Toledoans in making their government better for the task at hand.”

Government and Law

University of Toledo History

“Toledo "U" our proudest toast, We'll never let thy banner fall, The "Gold and Blue" shall be our boast, We'll tell thy aims to one and all.”

University of Toledo History

Multicultural Collections

“Cultural exchange opens up a world of opportunities for education, understanding, and economic growth. Because the more we know about different people and cultures, the more we see how easily we can work and play together.”

Multicultural Collections

History of Medicine

“The reparative process which Nature has instituted and which we call disease, has been hindered by some want of knowledge or attention, . . . and pain, suffering, or interruption of the whole process sets in.”

History of Medicine

Gender and Sexuality

“Women are taxed without representation; governed without their consent; treated as perpetual minors and their most sacred rights ignored.”

Gender and Sexuality

Creative Expression

“Without an active and supportive community, the arts cannot exist, much less flourish. We are their lifeblood, and vice versa.”

Creative Expression

Sports & Recreation

“Any agency which promotes the bodily well-being of a people automatically stimulates the rise of art and knowledge.”

Sports and Recreation

This is Toledo

A Look at Leisure in the Glass City

This is Toledo

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