Department of Psychology

Ariana Vidaña

Ariana VidanaBackground Information

Ariana is a second-year graduate student in clinical psychology. She is from Berwyn, Illinois. Her primary mentor is Dr. Matthew Tull. Ariana received a BS in Education and Social Policy with a concentration in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University. Before joining the PERT lab, Ariana completed a year-long intensive research program funded by the NIH at the University of Kansas where she worked in Dr. Kelsie Forbush's lab on a study examining the classification and diagnosis of eating disorders, and in particular, worked on a project examining how the developmental timing of trauma affects eating disorder symptoms. Ariana enjoys watching football and all things artistic in her free time.

Research/Clinical Interests

Ariana is interested in the role of emotion dysregulation in PTSD and substance use disorders, especially in minority populations and interpersonal relationships. 


Vidaña, A. G., & Forbush, K. T.  (submitted for consideration for publication). Impact of the developmental timing of trauma on eating-disorder symptoms and recovery outcomes. 

Vidaña, A.G., Forbes, C.R., Gratz, K.L., & Tull, M.T. (in press). The influence of posttraumatic stress disorder and recurrent major depression on risk-taking propensity following trauma script exposure among patients with substance use disorders.  Addictive Behaviors.


Vidaña, A. G., Betts, J., Gratz, K. L., & Tull, M. T. (2019, March). Gender differences in the emotional content of trauma scripts in substance dependent patients with PTSD. Poster accepted to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America 39th Annual Conference, Chicago IL.

Vidaña, A. G., Forbes, C. N., Gratz, K. L., & Tull, M. T. (2019, March). The effect of recurrent major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder on risk-taking after trauma cue exposure among substance-dependent inpatients. Poster accepted to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America 39th Annual Conference, Chicago IL.

Last Updated: 6/27/22