1998 - 2000 Catalog Archive

Admission to the College

All new students admitted to the College of Pharmacy will begin their studies in the Pre-Professional or Lower Division. All undergraduate students in the College of Pharmacy will be considered Pre-Professional or Lower Division students until admitted to the Professional Division of the B.S. in Pharmacy (B.S.P.), the Pharm.D. program or the Upper Division of the B.S.P.S. program. For the B.S. in Pharmacy and entry level Pharm.D. programs, the College of Pharmacy limits student enrollment into the Professional Division (third year class) in accordance with its facilities. For the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences program, admission to the upper division (years 3 and 4) is based upon grade point averages in the first two years (lower division).

Transfer Students

Inorder for a student to transfer from other Ohio universities into any of the baccalaureate programs of the College of Pharmacy or change from another college within The University of Toledo to the College of Pharmacy, the student must have a higher education cumulative grade point average (HEd GPA) of at least 2.5 (the HEd GPA is based on all letter grades attained at all institutions of higher learning and uses the point average scale of A = 4 pt.), be in good standing at the University, and eligible to return. Evaluation of transcripts from other institutions is not done until a student is admitted into the College of Pharmacy. The student may be required to take placement tests in English, chemistry and/or basic algebra. A student who has attended another Ohio college of pharmacy must have a cumulative HEd GPA of 2.5, be in good standing at the university and be eligible to return to the college of pharmacy previously attended. Students who wish to transfer credit from another college or university must have been enrolled full time in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and registered for 16 semester hours (a letter grade must be received in each course) for the one semester prior to provisional acceptance to the Professional Division.

Students with course work from non-Ohio institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis. After a student is admitted, the student may be asked to supply non-returnable college catalogs so that course equivalencies can be determined. The student also may be required to take placement tests in English, chemistry and/or basic algebra. All international transcripts submitted by transfer students must be evaluated by a College of Pharmacy designated independent agency, at the applicant's expense, for letter grade equivalency. Transfer students are only admitted to the Lower Division of the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences or the Pre-Professional Division of the B.S. in Pharmacy or the entry-level Pharm. D. program. For a transfer student to be accepted into the second year of the program, all criteria and prerequisites for second year class standing must be met. Second-year class standing begins only in the Fall Semester.

General Criteria for Admission to: the Professional Division of the B.S. in Pharmacy; the Entry-Level Doctor of Pharmacy; and the Upper Division of the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Admission to the Professional/Upper Division normally is made only at the beginning of the Fall Semester. The number of students who receive final acceptance into either the upper division of the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Program or the Professional Division of the B.S. in Pharmacy or the entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy programs will be limited to the space available. Because the number of applicants usually exceeds the number of spaces, students are admitted on the basis of the following general criteria.

Inorder to be finally admitted into the Professional Division, an applicant must complete Biology 211 through 216 or 2150 through 2180, Chemistry 112 and 122 or 1230 through 1290, Mathematics 176 or 1760, Pharmacology 262 or 2620, Chemistry 342 and 346 or 2420 and 2470, and Physics 176 or 1750 or 2080 or their equivalents; completed a minimum of sixty-three (63) earned semester hours prior to entrance into the Professional Division; and have formally applied using the appropriate form (obtainable in the College of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs 1227 Wolfe Hall). If an applicant is accepted into the Professional/Upper Division, the acceptance will be provisional pending the completion of the above courses. All course prerequisites for the Professional/Upper Division must be completed two weeks before the first day of Professional/Upper Division classes in the Fall Semester for which the application is made. If the applicant fails to meet the deadline for the completion of prerequisite courses, he/she will lose provisional admission status and must apply again for admission to the Professional/Upper Division in the subsequent year.

Each applicant will provide the Admissions Committee (in care of the College of Pharmacy) with a personal essay addressing the applicant's reasons for selecting pharmacy as a career, tentative personal and professional goals, and perspective on the role pharmacy plays among other health professions and in society.

Each applicant will provide the Admissions Committee (in care of the College of Pharmacy) with two letters of recommendation. The letters may be from professors, employers, clergy, close family friends and family health professionals (pharmacist, dentist, physician). Letters from relatives or College of Pharmacy faculty are not acceptable.

All application materials must be received by the College of Pharmacy before February 1 of the same year the applicant anticipates entering the Professional/Upper Division. There are no exceptions to the deadline.

A student who has applied for admission to the Professional/Upper Division must maintain a 2.0 GPA (cumulative and semester) until all requirements for entrance into the Professional/Upper Division are completed to be eligible for final admission.

Inregard to admission into the Professional Division of the B.S. in Pharmacy and the entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy programs, all applicants must have a cumulative GPA based upon a minimum of 16 semester hours at The University of Toledo (a letter grade must be received in each course). If a student has taken fewer than 30 semester quality hours at The University of Toledo, the Higher Educational Grade Point Average (HEd GPA, which is based on all letter grades attained at all institutions of higher learning) will be used in the evaluation in place of The University of Toledo cumulative GPA if the HEd GPA value is less than The University of Toledo cumulative GPA. If the HEd GPA is greater than The University of Toledo cumulative GPA, the latter will be used.

Each application will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant's personal essay as defined above; cumulative grade point average (GPA); and science GPA in the following specified courses: General Chemistry 110, 111 and 112 or 1230 and 1240; Biology 211, 213 and 215 or 2150 and 2170; Mathematics 175 or 1750; Physics 175 and 176 or 1750 or 2070; Organic Chemistry 340 or 2410; and Pharmacology 260 and 261 or 2600. All transfer courses equivalent to these specified courses will be evaluated for their respective equivalent semester quality hours.

Atleast 80% of those students to be admitted provisionally will be selected by the admissions committee based on the above criteria. The remaining positions will be filled by the admissions committee using the above criteria and a personal interview.

A Pre-Professional Division student will not be allowed to fulfill requirements for the Professional Division by enrollment in both Organic Chemistry and Physics during the summer prior to the first Professional Division year.

Specific criteria have been approved by the faculty of the College of Pharmacy for the admission of transfer students or of change-of-college students into the Professional Division. These are outlined as follows:

· Applicants who have fulfilled all admission criteria for the Professional Division byFebruary 1 of the year of application can have their name added to the eligible applicant pool.

· It is the applicant's responsibility to insure that all University admission procedures or change-of-college procedures have been completed and that the necessary forms for the Professional Division application process have been received by the College before February 1 of the same year.

· The General Criteria for Admission to the Professional Division will be applied to the transfer student in the same manner as for the continuing College of Pharmacy student; i.e.,cumulative GPA, science GPA, essential courses or their equivalents through the Fall Semester of the second year, personal essay and an accumulation of at least 44 earned semester hours. The applicant's cumulative GPA from The University of Toledo or HEd GPA (as determined above), science GPA based on all equivalent specified courses and personal essay will be used in determining admission.

· The essential courses for final admission to the Professional Division consist of a 3 quarter or 2 semester sequence in general chemistry and its laboratories, a 3 quarter or 2 semester sequence in biology for majors and its laboratories, a 3 quarter or 2 semester sequence in mathematics (college algebra and courses equivalent to the Mathematics for Life Science sequence), a 3quarter or 2 semester sequence in an equivalent functional anatomy and pathophysiology course, a 3quarter or 2 semester sequence in organic chemistry and its laboratories, and 2 quarters or 1 equivalent semester of intensive physics. Sixty-three (63) earned semester hours also are necessary for final admission.

· For the essential courses taken at other institutions, equivalency is almost automatic for courses in general chemistry, general biology for majors, organic chemistry and physics. Difficulty in determining equivalency has occurred with the mathematics sequence and the functional anatomy and pathophysiology sequence. In order to determine the equivalency of the mathematics courses and functional anatomy and pathophysiology courses, a) a complete syllabus or a complete set of course notes, b) examinations taken in the course, c) the name of the text and d) the name and telephone number of the course instructor or appropriate department chairperson should be provided.

· If a candidate is unable to meet the February 1 deadline, the College has set up a second admission period from February 1 to September 1 if there are still spaces available for additional applications after the first admission period. The total number admitted cannot exceed 95 students in the Professional Division for any Fall Semester.

Last Updated: 7/15/24