UToledo Human Resources

Human Resources Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement

The UToledo Human Resources mission is provide strategic and high quality services to students, staff and faculty in support of the university’s mission to improve the human condition and be a transformative force in the world. This includes leadership in labor and Employee Relations, personnel management services, staffing, compensation, benefits administration and consultation on all workforce issues.

Utilizing our knowledge base and working as a team, we will provide excellent service to our entire customer base in a timely, efficient, and confidential manner, consistent with goals of the institution.

Vision Statement

The UToledo Human Resources team will become a highly sought after strategic partner of the university, creating/sustaining a university culture of high productivity, student and patient centeredness, and balanced quality of work and life.

Team Commitments

  1. Reliable and Dependable
  2. Accurate and Consistent
  3. Positive and Empathetic
  4. Trustworthy and Professional



  • Be a proactive problem solver. Address problems quickly and urgently. 
  • Commit to the highest possible level of customer service and high reliability to include responsiveness, enthusiasm, accuracy, and credibility.
  • Be responsive to and treat each other as a high priority customer.
  • Be a united front. Once a decision is made, and there is disagreement, we unite behind the decision and always project a united front.


  • Apply kindness in interactions with others. Words matter.  Tone and tenor matter. 
  • Elevate issues that feel negative or threatening.
  • Refrain from communicating sensitive issues via text or e-mail.


  • Support, via role modeling, a healthy, trusting, safe, team dynamic.
  • Recognize that the differences we bring are a strength to the overall team.
  • Support active listening and learning from each other.
  • Assume positive intentions of others first. Seek first to understand. 
  • Use positive tone inquiry to better understand alternative viewpoints.
  • Effectively manage conflicts by:
    • Politely and courageously calling out the conflict.
    • Approach an individual team member discreetly and directly (right place, right time) when there is a disagreement or conflict, as opposed to going immediately to his/her one-up or others.
    • Remind those who bring issues related to another member to address those issues with the person directly.
    • Commit to receiving feedback both positive and constructive.
    • Commit to open and honest dialogue, holding no grudges if we reach an impasse and agree to disagree as long as we have a path forward.
    • Only write things in an email that you would also say to someone in person.
Last Updated: 9/20/23