Judith Herb College of Education

Virtual Lab Installation for Mac

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to https://vlab.utoledo.edu
  3. Click Install VMware Horizon Client
  1. At the Download VMware Horizon Clients, find your operating system and click Go to Downloads.
  1. At the Product Downloads screen, click Download.
  1. You will see the Horizon Client .dmg file in your Downloads folder.
  1. Double-click to open.
  2. Drag the VMWare Horizon Client.app icon to the Applications folder.
  1. Open the Applications folder and double-click on the VMWare Horizon Client application.
  2. Enter vlab.utoledo.edu for Connection Server and click Connect.
  1. Type in your UT credentials to login.
  1. Once connected, you will be able to select your virtual lab. Most software will be located on EDU - Carver Lab.
Last Updated: 6/27/22