Judith Herb College of Education

Susanna Hapgood

Susanna HapgoodAssociate Professor
Literacy Education
Department of Teacher Education

Gillham Hall Room 2000X
Mail Stop 924
Phone:  419.530.2139
Fax:      419.530.2466


Dr. Susanna Hapgood is an Associate Professor at the University of Toledo's Department of Teacher Education.  There she teaches undergraduate and graduate classes on literacy teaching and learning.  Her research interests include the design of texts and experiences that foster young children's content area literacy, particularly scientific literacy. 

Dr. Hapgood received her Ph.D from the University of Michigan in 2003. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked for 9 years as an educator in schools and museums including the Boston Children's Museum and the National Children's Castle in Japan.  She has recently had articles published in Educational Leadership and the Journal of the Learning Sciences.



Last Updated: 7/15/24