Life Support Training

Heartcode Complete ACLS

Date: Self paced  •  Time: Self paced
Location: All skill carts are located in Room 1200 D in the Sim Center on the Health Science campus

This site is used by UT managers/schedulers to register their staff to complete their ACLS recertification by using the Heartcode Complete format. This is a self-paced format of completing the AHA ACLS certification.

UTMC employees, residents, and other hospital staff that are either recertifying their ACLS or have had ACLS in the past and it has expired. This is NOT recommended for a person taking ACLS for the first time!

Prior ACLS certification

Must complete the online ACLS component and then go to one of the Skill carts to complete BLS skills.

No student materials are needed.

Last Updated: 2/28/17