LCME Accreditation 2013

LCME Self Study Steering Committee

Responsible for general oversight of the self study process as well as reviewing the complete data base and writing the executive summary including self identified strengths and weaknesses.

Dr. Jeffery Gold - Chair

Chairs of each of the 5 work groups below

  1. Dr. Deborah Gmerek (IS standards)
  2. Dr. Carol Bennett-Clarke (ED standards)
  3. Dr. James Kleshinski (MS standards)
  4. Dr. Thea Sawicki (FA standards)
  5. Mr. Bryan Pyles (ER standards)
  6. Dr. Jeffrey Blumer
  7. Dr. Kelly Manahan
  8. Dr. Joseph Shapiro
  9. Dr. Imran Ali
  10. Dr. Patricia Metting
  11. Dr. Constance Shriner
  12. Cheryl Chen
  13. Lillie Montgomery
  14. Michael Sabbah
Last Updated: 6/27/22