Department of Internal Audit and Compliance

Finance and Accounting - Accounting Close

Effectiveness and efficiency of operations 

A. Cycle time is reduced.

  1. Are all manually produced, recurring entries automated where possible?
  2. Are the reasons and root causes behind errors analyzed?

Reliability of financial reporting 

A. Recorded balances are substantiated.

  1. Are significant balances confirmed with third parties?
  2. Are general ledger balances reconciled regularly to subsidiary ledger balances?
  3. Is journal entry activity reports compared periodically to supporting documentation?
  4. Are recorded balances and activity compared periodically to outside sources of information?

B. Recorded balances are evaluated.

  1. Are all balances subject to evaluation reviewed quarterly to determine any necessary adjustments?
  2. Are reliable external sources used to help with valuations where appropriate?
  3. Are reconciliations reviewed for mechanical and clerical accuracy?
  4. Are the deadlines for reconciliations communicated in writing and key reconciliation procedures documented?


Last Updated: 1/3/23