College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Leadership Messages

September 2024
Message from the Dean
Pam Heaton

The campus is buzzing with excitement as we embark on a new academic year at the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Orientation week was a resounding success, laying the foundation for what promises to be an enriching and transformative professional journey for our students.

One of the week's standout moments was the White Coat Ceremony, also known as the Professional Advancement Ceremony, where we honored our students' progression into the professional division—a significant milestone on their path to realizing their dreams. Our program is demanding, and this achievement reflects the remarkable hard work and dedication of our students. It was truly heartwarming to see families and friends share in the joy of this pivotal moment.

The White Coat Ceremony is one of the most meaningful events in a pharmacy student’s journey. Do you remember the day you first donned your White Coat? This ceremony marks the transition from student to practitioner-in-training, symbolizing a commitment to a profession defined by caring and professionalism. It’s a deeply emotional experience, bringing into sharp focus the hard work, dedication, and sacrifices made by students and their families to reach this point. The ceremony not only connects them to the broader pharmacy community but also serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact they will have on the lives of their future patients. We are especially grateful to those of you who generously contributed to making this moment possible by funding the purchase of the coats—thank you!

Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating Homecoming on Saturday, October 5th. Be sure to check out the additional details below.

This year is already shaping up to be one filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable experiences!

Dean Pam Heaton

Message from the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity and Inclusion


The Toledo EXCEL Walgreens Scholars Program

Greetings alumni and friends,

The College is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity with Walgreen’s to provide financial assistance to eligible PharmD students enrolled in the University’s Toledo EXCEL program. In existence for over 30 years, TOLEDO EXCEL is a University of Toledo scholarship incentive program that recruits high-achieving, underrepresented 8th grade students in the metropolitan Toledo area and prepares them for success in college. Throughout their high school years, EXCEL students engage in a variety of academic enrichment services and activities on and off The University of Toledo campus to familiarize them with the University and collegiate expectations. As the University understands financial barriers are a major limitation to college completion, EXCEL students who fulfill the rigorous academic and participation requirements during high school receive a four-year tuition-based scholarship to The University of Toledo upon high school graduation.

Although a four-year scholarship is quite advantageous, EXCEL students hoping to pursue a health profession major such as the PharmD receive no additional scholarship assistance from the program in the final two years of required study. Therefore, the length and cost of a PharmD degree may prove prohibitive to potential candidates and creates a financial barrier for students. Accordingly, students may choose not to seek a PharmD degree due to the cost of an additional two years of study at the graduate level compared to other health professional degrees that can be completed in four years. The Toledo EXCEL Walgreens Scholars Program could reduce this financial barrier in two primary ways: First, in the form of employment as pharmacy technicians or pharmacy interns and secondly in the provision of scholarship assistance, as Walgreens employees, in the 5th and 6th years of study (P3 and P4) when the EXCEL scholarship has ended, and assistance is most needed. Toledo EXCEL students would have to meet all eligibility requirements for Walgreens employment and of the Pharmacy Educational Assistance Program to benefit from the program. This opportunity is a win for students and the company as it lessens financial burdens and opens the door to a career as a Walgreens pharmacist. For more information on the program, please contact me at

Rocket Regards!


Monica Holiday-Goodman

For other diversity news and observances information and events happening at UToledo, please visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website



Last Updated: 9/6/24