The University of Toledo University Transportation Center

UTUTC-IU-19: A GIS Connection Between Brownfield Sites, Transportation and Economic Development

Focus Area: Infrastructure Utilization


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Peter Lindquist
Associate Professor 
Department of Geography and Planning
The University of Toledo
MS 932
2801 W. Bancroft
Toledo, OH 43606
Phone: (419) 530-4287
Fax: (419) 530-7919

Project Dates: 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2011; No Cost Extension to 08/31/2011

Project Year: FY2011

UT-UTC Designation: UTUTC-IU-19



The project proposed here deals with the design and construction of a prototype information distribution system to promote the redevelopment and sustainable utilization of brownfield sites in Lucas County, Ohio—with particular attention devoted to maximizing the connectivity of these sites to one another, to surrounding business locations, and to the regional transportation network. As a result, this study not only plans to promote the localized characteristics of these sites, also but how they are interconnected through the transportation infrastructure. The project will feature additional components in the information distribution system with the assembly of a detailed repository of data dealing with the sites themselves, zoning, surrounding land uses, connections to local business establishments, local population characteristics, utilities and municipal services, and the connections to the regional transportation infrastructure—including weight limits, Hazmat routes, intermodal connections, geometric design characteristics and infrastructure characteristics (e.g., at-grade rail crossings, bridge clearances, signalization, etc.). 

The contents of the repository will be delivered in an interactive web-based information delivery system that uses online maps, query functions, information display in the form of popup text boxes, and basic routing and network linkages between sites and the transportation network. In addition, the site will provide detailed contact information to local governments, commercial real estate firms, and related organizations pertaining to brownfield redevelopment and regional economic development. The approach used in this project will be modeled after the project team’s previous work in the Great Lakes Maritime Information Delivery System (GLMIDS) (see 

As a result, users will be able to search for desired site locations through query functions that provide prompts for entry of desired site characteristics; the system will then search the database to display all sites on an online map that meet those desired site specifications. Additional details dealing with connectivity to the transportation network, intermodal connections (e.g., Airline Junction), zoning, local business establishment locations, etc. will also be furnished for those sites if desired. In other cases, transportation planners and economic development analysts can use the detailed database to identify infrastructural improvements to better connect brownfield sites and major links in the transportation network. These applications are only two of many other potential uses for this system. 

An added benefit of this system will be that it can serve a wider range of needs for economic development efforts in the county, given the volume and detail of the repository. This resource is therefore envisioned to provide comprehensive support to economic development efforts in Lucas County, and will assist potential developers and business officials with site selection for industrial, warehousing, and related economic sectors. In addition, the system can aid in transportation planning efforts for infrastructural improvements to assure more efficient access to a wider range of brownfield sites and to improve connectivity to the wider transportation system of the region. If proven successful, the GISAG project team will propose an extended system covering a wider geographic area. 


UT-UTC Grant              $50,000
Match Amount             $50,028
Total Project              $100,028

Final Report:
         Final Report   PDF Symbol

Last Updated: 7/15/24