John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Catherine (Katy) Johnson

Catherine (Katy) Johnson

Associate Professor
Marketing and International Business
Office: Stranahan Hall - 3015
Telephone: (419) 530 - 2287
Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales


Katy earned her B.A. degree, summa cum laude, in German at the University of Kentucky, her M.B.A. degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and her Ph.D. in Marketing at the University of Alabama. She spent one year studying history and German language at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany, a study tour of Greece during her M.B.A., and participation in an international panel and conference in Rouen, France. Katy spent several years in the banking industry at a community bank where she worked in various capacities including branch management, credit analysis, marketing coordination, and customer service.

University of Alabama, 2015
Doctor of Philosophy, Marketing

Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2008
Master of Business Administration

University of Kentucky - 2006
Bachelor  of Arts, German Studies 

Professional Sales
Advanced Sales

Katy’s primary research interest is in sales, including management control systems, and salesperson individual differences, such as emotional intelligence, as predictors of behaviors and performance. She also has an interest in the impact of C-Suite individuals on firm outcomes. Katy also has an interest in consumer behavior topics, particularly relating to pro-social consumption and consumer reactions to corporate social responsibility.

Magnotta, Sarah and Catherine M. Johnson (forthcoming), “The Role of Sales Team Intragroup Conflict on Critical Job Outcomes,” Industrial Marketing Management.

Gleim, Mark, Catherine M. Johnson, and Stephanie Lawson Brooks, (2019), “Sharers and Sellers: A Multi Group Examination of Gig Economy Workers’ Perceptions,” Journal of Business Research, 98(May), 142-152.

Johnson, Catherine M., Ayesha Tariq, and Thomas L. Baker, (2018), “Gucci to Green Bags: Conspicuous Consumption as a Signal for Prosocial Behavior,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 26(4), 339-356.

Gammoh, Bashar S., Michael L. Mallin, Ellen B. Pullins, and Catherine M. Johnson, (2018), “The Role of Salesperson Brand Selling Confidence in Enhancing Important Sales Management Outcomes: A Social Identity Approach,” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(3), 277-290. Winner: Emerald Publishing 2019 Highly Commended Paper Award

Mallin, Michael L., Bashar S. Gammoh, Ellen B. Pullins, and Catherine M. Johnson, (2017), “A New Perspective of Salesperson Motivation and Salesforce Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Salesperson – Brand Identification,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 25(4), 357-374.

Lorenz, Melanie P., Catherine M. Johnson, and Livia L. Barakat (2017), “An Exploration of Frequent Service Failures in the Brazilian Airline Industry,” Latin American Business Review, 18(1), 19-45.

Alhouti, Sarah, Catherine M. Johnson, and Betsy Holloway (2016), “Corporate Social Responsibility Authenticity: Investigating its Antecedents and Outcomes,” Journal of Business Research, 69(3), 1242-1249.

Alhouti, Sarah, Catherine M. Johnson, and Giles D’Souza (2016), “The Complex Web of Values: The Impact on Online Privacy Concerns and Purchase Behavior,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 17(1), 22-35.

Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G., Catherine M. Johnson, and David L. Mothersbaugh (2015), “Does Choice of Sales Control Conceptualization Matter? An Empirical Comparison of Existing Conceptualizations and Directions for Future Research,” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 35(3), 221-246. Winner:  2015 Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management James M. Comer Award for the Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory.

Alhouti, Sarah, Timothy D. Butler, Catherine M. Johnson, and Lenita Davis (2014), “Unwanted Pursuit Behavior: Understanding Salespeople’s Desire to Pursue and Desire to Avoid Customers” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(4), 385-400.

  • Outstanding Junior Researcher Award, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo (2019)
  • Emerald Publishing Highly Commended Paper Award (2019)
  • DeJute Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of Toledo College of Business and Innovation (2018)
  • Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management James M. Comer Award for the Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory (2016)
  • University of Alabama Watson Little Award (2015)
  • AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Representative (2014)
  • AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Best Paper Award, Sales and Customer Relationship Management Track – Orlando FL (2014)
  • AMS World Marketing Congress Doctoral Consortium – Melbourne, Australia (2013)
  • National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM) Co-chair Doctoral Student Track (2018-20)
  •  American Marketing Association Sales Special Interest Group (AMA Sales SIG) Vice-chair, Communications (2017-19)
  •  National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM) At-large board member (2016-18)
  •  Pi Sigma Epsilon Faculty Chapter Advisor (2016-present).
Last Updated: 7/15/24