College of Law

Media Services Cubbon Courtroom End User Instructions

General Policies Applicable to all Services

The LaValley Law Library Media Services unit provides various technological equipment and services to authorized users in accordance with the unit's service level policies.

Media Services does not authorize or schedule the use of College of Law facilities. Only the College of Law administration has this authority.

Media Services does not provide non-technological equipment (e.g., tables) and services.

General Policies Applicable to End User Instructions

Media Services or other technological support personnel should consult the operations manual or other appropriate resources located on the Operational Procedures web page. The end user instructions are neither comprehensive nor appropriate sources for providing class and event support.

The end user instructions are intended to provide end users with simplified instructions for performing common tasks. However, some end users may not be comfortable following written instructions. If you are not comfortable following written instructions, or have questions about the instructions, please contact a Media Services staff member.

Cubbon Courtroom Training

In its current configuration, there are no functions in the Cubbon Courtroom that lend themselves to simple end user instructions. Ryan Overdorf is currently working on a design proposal to submit to the College of Law administration regarding an equipment upgrade.

If you need Cubbon Courtroom training, please contact please contact Media Services using the LAWAV email account. You may access the LAWAV account through your email directory or by typing "LAWAV" (without the quotes) then typing "" (without the quotes).


Last Updated: 6/27/22