Protecting Minors on UToledo Campuses

Frequently Asked Questions - Minors on Campus

Why has The University of Toledo adopted this policy?

The University has adopted the Minors on Campus Policy to provide guidance for members of our campus community who participate in, oversee or otherwise host UToledo programs or activities that involve minors – children under the age of 18.The primary goal of the policy is to ensure the well-being and safety of minors who participate in programs run by or associated with the University.

For more information on this policy, please visit the Minors on Campus website.

Do I need to go through the Minors on Campus process for my program?

Please use the decision tree to determine whether your proposed activity qualifies as a "University youth program", as defined in the 3364-10-17 Minors On Campus Policy.

Am I always required to register programs and activities involving minors? If so, how?

Yes, all programs in which minors are expected to participate should be registered.

Appropriate forms must be completed and submitted to Risk Management by the program director, including the Program/Activity Departmental Approval Form. This form provides the review committee with a summary of the event and requires your dean or department head’s signature to confirm the event is approved by your unit.

How far in advance should I register my program?

Program-sponsoring units should register events as soon as possible – no later than 30 days prior to the first scheduled date of the event.

How long does it take for an event to receive approval?

Allow up to two weeks to receive a decision from Risk Management. Please be prepared to provide additional information, if needed, so the review process may be completed in a timely manner.

Who oversees the process of having minors on campus to help ensure their safety?

Risk Management is responsible for overseeing all events and activities that host minors on campus. Its team strives to ensure there are no risks associated with hosting minors on campus for an event; therefore, it must carefully review all information submitted prior to making a decision and notifying you.

Please be prepared to submit additional information, if requested. All programs involving minors cannot take place until they are registered, reviewed and approved.

What should I do to host a non-University program involving minors on a UToledo campus?

Non-University organizations that want to operate programs or activities involving minors on campus must comply with the University’s Minors on Campus Policy, including requirements related to reporting suspected abuse or neglect of minors, and completing all relevant training and background checks.

Prior to the start of any program or activity involving minors, non-University organizations must certify they have conducted criminal background checks of their employees, volunteers and representatives to meet or exceed UToledo standards. They also must notify the program director of any background checks that return a conviction or other information that may point to a potential risk.

Do annual events need to be re-submitted for review every year?

Yes; however, the process is designed to allow events to be renewed for the following year. The event organizer must renew manually, but all information is conveniently carried over for the renewed event to streamline the process. The organizer is still required to update any forms and provide current lists of employees, volunteers, etc., plus provide proof of background checks and completion of training.

If I’m a student who’s 18 (or older) participating in a program involving minors, does the policy apply to me?

Yes. All faculty, staff and students who are involved in a University-run or University-affiliated program or activity involving minors must comply with the Minors on Campus policy.

Are there provisions for individuals under the age of 18 years old to gain experience in research laboratories for educational purposes?

Yes. These provisions are contained in the University's Minors in Research Laboratories procedure.  Additional information can be found on the University's Environmental Health and Radiation Safety web-page.

What training must be completed to participate in or host a program involving minors on campus?

Program or activity directors, staff, volunteers and all authorized adults working with minors in University programs or activities are required to review the Minors on Campus Policy and Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Policy. These policies provide helpful tips for maintaining a safe and positive environment when working with minors, as well as steps to take if you suspect a minor has been abused or neglected.

In addition, they must complete a free online training course, entitled “Protecting Youth,” available through Risk Management and the Office of Internal Audit and Compliance.

How often are background checks required for individuals involved in activities that involve minors?

A background check must be completed every four years. These checks are overseen by the University’s Human Resources department. The University is committed to promoting the well-being and safety of children who participate in UToledo programs or activities, as well as in programs that outside organizations deliver on campus.

Criminal background checks may reveal prior convictions that would make it inappropriate for someone to participate in a program or activity involving minors.

Who is required to have a criminal background check?

All authorized adults who have direct contact with minors (those under the age of 18) are required to complete a criminal background check. Authorized adults are defined as individuals, paid or unpaid, who interact with, supervise, chaperone or otherwise oversee minors in program activities, or recreational, and/or residential facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, volunteers, graduate and undergraduate students, interns, employees of temporary employment agencies and independent contractors/consultants.

Direct contact is defined as providing care, supervision, guidance or control of minors and/or having routine interaction with minors.

Temporary guest speakers, presenters and other individuals who have no direct contact with program participants, other than short-term activities supervised by program staff, are not required to have a criminal background check.

If I am operating a program involving minors, how should I arrange for background checks for my staff?

Human Resources oversees the processing of criminal background checks for University programs and activities. More information on how to request background checks and their cost can be found on the UToledo Human Resources website.

Are waivers allowed for the Minors on Campus policy? If so, how may I request one and how long does it take to get a response?

Any requests for clarification regarding whether a program or activity is subject to the Minors on Campus policy should be sent to Risk Management via

Requests for a waiver to all or any portion of this policy should first be approved by the program director and your area’s senior leader (e.g., dean, VP, director). The request should then be sent to Risk Management for appropriate review, with the review committee using the exemption section of the Policy on Minors Program/Activity Registration Form.

Risk Management will review the request with the appropriate executives of the unit overseeing the event and may request additional information or supporting documentation, if needed. Risk Management will advise the program director in writing of the decision.

Please allow up to two weeks for a response about exceptions to this policy.

If I suspect a minor during a UToledo-hosted event or program, how should I report it?

If you are participating in a program or overseeing an activity involving minors on campus and you know, suspect or receive information indicating that a minor has been abused or neglected, or is otherwise unsafe, you are obligated to make a report. Call Lucas County Children Services at (419) 213-CARE (2273) and review the Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Policy for more information. Dial 911 immediately in an emergency.

Remember, the vast majority of University employees are mandated reporters under Title IX therefore all sexual harassment misconduct situations alleged to have occurred on campus or at a UT sponsored events must also report to the Title IX Office.

What if I’m not sure whether a minor has been abused or neglected?

If you have any suspicion that a child has been abused or neglected, report it! Even when you have doubts, it is better to report your suspicions than to ignore them.

It is the University’s position that, in addition to the mandated statutory reporting requirements for certain individuals and entities, all University personnel and volunteers who have a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is being abused or neglected must immediately make a report. Neither Ohio law nor any University policy allows you to delegate the duty to report child abuse or neglect.

If I’m not involved in any programs involving minors on campus, does the policy apply to me?

If you are not involved in any programs or activities involving minors, most of the provisions of the policy will not apply to you. However, all UToledo employees should: (1) review the policy, (2) review the Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Policy,  3) help to protect the safety and well-being of minors with whom they may interact, and (4) report known or suspected abuse or neglect of a minor.

The policy does not apply to personal activities that are apart from your role or responsibilities as a student, faculty or staff member. However, you may find the policy’s guidelines helpful for other non-University activities with minors.

What activities are exempt from this policy?

Exceptions to this policy include: (1) undergraduate and graduate academic programs in which minors are enrolled for academic credit, (2) events on campus that are open to the general public that minors attend at the sole discretion of their parents or guardians,  (3) campus tours or visits by minors considered to be prospective students, and (4) other programs occasionally designated by an appropriate University official in advance, and in writing as, exempt from this policy.

What forms are required for the approval process?

The forms below are for reference and to make the pre-program data collection simpler.  However, these forms must still be submitted through the online program request which you can access here.

Employee/Volunteer Roster 
Youth Attendee Roster
Program Registration Form 
Youth Program/Activity General Information Form 
Waiver/Hold Harmless and Media/Photo/Video Release Form
Medical Information & Release/Authorization, Waiver and Consent for Self-Administration of Prescription/Over-the-Counter Medication Form 
Background Check Authorization Form
Youth Protection Program Safety Plan

What if I still have questions about registering my event or the process?

For more information on event registration, contact Risk Management at 419.530.3026 or email  with any questions. We look forward to serving you in any way we can to ensure the safety and well-being of minors.

Last Updated: 8/30/24