Law and Social Thought

Field Experience

We regard field experience-consisting of community activism and outreach, cross-cultural dialogue, study abroad, or internship—as fundamental to a university education. Majors in Law and Social Thought (LST) are required to engage in field experience conducted in collaboration with an LST faculty member.

Students are encouraged to think of field experience as an opportunity to study and advance their areas of specialization. Examples of field work opportunities include:

  • Participation in community based social services or outreach programs
  • Creation of programs designed to complement or supplement legal and social institutions in the community.
  • Study of an aspect of the relation between legal, cultural, and institutional formations
  • Comparative study of legal and social formations involving international travel and cooperation
  • Co-operative experience consisting of employment in and study of a legal profession under the guidance of a practitioner of that field

The director of LST's field experience program works with individual students to identify existing opportunities for travel or outreach at the University as well as available opportunities that are easily adapted to LST’s purposes. Most importantly, students will be actively encouraged to devise and propose field experiences that are best suited to their program and interests.

Last Updated: 7/15/24