Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Theses by Dr. Krishna Shenai

List of selected theses and dissertations supervised by Dr. Krishna Shenai.

MS Theses & Projects

  • Wee Chong, Thesis Title:
  • Premchand Boyapati, Thesis Title:
  • Bradford Lilly, Thesis Title:

PhD Dissertations

  • Raul Cardenas, Dissertations Title:
  • David Sparks, Dissertations Title:
  • Houssam Barakat, Dissertations Title:

List of selected papers published by Dr. Krishna Shenai.

  • K.Shenai, "Field-Reliability of an Automotive Switch-a New Paradigm," Abstract Accepted, Twelfth Annual Automotive Electronics Reliability Workshop, Nashville, TN, May 2007.
  • K.Shenai, "A Good Automotive Power MOSFET Switch," Abstract Accepted, Twelfth Annual Automotive Electronics Reliability Workshop, Nashville, TN, May 2007.
  • K. Shenai, N. Jack, "Sensing and Novel Underground Communication Technology for Soil and Water Management," Abstract Accepted, The Second International Symposium on Soil Water Measurement using Capacitance, Impedance, and Time Domain Transmission, Beltsville, Maryland, 2007.
  • K.Shenai, N. Jack, "Magnetic Induction IC for Wireless Communication in RF-Impenetrable Media," Abstract Accepted, IEEE Workshop on Microelectronic and Electron Devices,Boise, ID, April 2007.
  • K.Shenai, "Power Management of Microchips and Handheld OEM Devices," IEEE Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by IEEE, EDS Chapter, Bangalore, India, held at IISc., Bangalore, India, Oct. 13, 2006.
  • K. Shenai, "Advanced Electronic Systems Engineering," IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by IEEE EDS Chapter, Bombay,India, held at IIT Bombay, India, July 2006.
Last Updated: 6/27/22