Graduate Programs


The University of Toledo offers two graduate degree programs in Mathematics: 

M.S. in Mathematics 

  • Prepares students to: 
    • Enter a doctoral program in Mathematics or Statistics 
    • Pursue a teaching career at the community college or university level 
    • Work in industry or other careers 
  • Concentrations in: 
    • Statistics 
      • Emphasizes the applications of statistics (project-oriented courses and computing), with a solid foundation in statistical theory. 
      • Consult with researchers at the nearby Health Science Campus and in other departments, including pharmacy, engineering, law and physiology.  
      • Our students are uniquely prepared for Ph.D. work at major institutions, thanks to our focus on real-world consulting and theory, as well as applications. 
      • Includes important elements of training in data science. 
    • Applied mathematics 
      • Strong foundation in fundamental areas of pure and applied mathematics 
      • Interactions with faculty in research, seminars and/or writing a master’s thesis 

    Ph.D. in Mathematics 

    • Prepares students to  
      • Enter a career in research and teaching in academia 
      • Join a medical or biopharmaceutical research facility 
      • Work for a government agency, such as the U.S. Census Bureau or the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 
      • Enter high-level careers that require advanced mathematical knowledge in industry, finance and technology 
    • Concentrations in: 
      •  Mathematics 
        • A wide variety of basic courses and a chance to focus on your area of interest while pursuing research at the next level in pure and applied mathematics 
        • Dissertation research supervised by world-class experts. Students can present work at seminars at UToledo and conferences. 
      • Statistics 
        • Strong connections to world-class researchers in the College of Medicine and Life Sciences at the UToledo Health Science Campus. Students apply their dissertation-based statistical methods to real-world scientific problems. 

Top Reasons to Study mathematics at UToledo

  1. Financial support.
    A majority of our Mathematics master's degree and doctoral students receive teaching assistantships. They teach as recitation instructors or teach their own courses. We provide extensive and high-quality pedagogical training. Apply by January 31 for your greatest chance of earning a TA position. 
  2. Real-world statistical experience.
    UToledo's Statistical Consulting Service allows students to solve real problems with real data. Students meet with clients from the community and the University, design studies, analyze data and write reports. Their breadth of knowledge in many statistical methods allows them to offer statistical assistance to researchers from many fields. 
  3. Network and get involved.
    Pi Mu Epsilon, our students’ honor society, and Delta X, our student club, meet and plan activities throughout the year. 
  4. Excellent teacher training.
    All of UToledo's graduate students attend a weekly pedagogical seminar and learn what it takes to excel as educators. 
  5. State-of-the-art computing facilities.
    All math graduate students have access to the latest technology. Many courses have technological components, allowing for improved pedagogy, insights into theoretical concepts, application to real-world problems and more.  

UToledo's graduate Mathematics faculty members are world-class researchers whose interests span a wide range of topics, including:  

  • Algebra 
  • Analysis and applications 
  • Geometry 
  • Theoretical physics 
  • Cosmology 
  • Statistics 

Ph.D. students are expected to engage in significant basic research in a variety of specialties, including:  

  • Algebra 
  • Complex analysis 
  • Differential equations 
  • Differential geometry 
  • Operator theory 
  • Statistics 

Faculty and students continually produce high-quality research papers. Our seminars and colloquia attract mathematicians from many institutions across the country.  

Our master’s degree students also have been involved in research. Recent M.S. thesis topics include: 

  • Exotic containers 
  • Effects of weighting the ends of a tubular bell on modular frequencies 
  • Conjugate direction methods 
  • Boundary value problems for the Dirac equation 


What jobs can I get with a mathematics degree?

Employers and graduate programs at leading universities love our graduates for their: 

  • Critical-thinking and problem-solving skills 
  • Flexibility and eagerness to learn 
  • Soft skills (ability to work as a team; written and verbal communication skills) 
  • Solid mastery of mathematical tools and ability to creatively apply them 
  • Knowledge of both theory and applications 

Our students have been accepted into the following doctoral programs:  

  • Indiana University
  • Purdue University 
  • Purdue University 
  • Rice University
  • UCLA 
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
  • University of Iowa 
  • University of Maryland, College Park 
  • University of Michigan 
  • University of Southern California 
  • University of Texas 
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Graduates of UToledo's master's and doctoral programs in Mathematics have been employed as:  

  • Lecturer, University of Toledo 
  • Statistical analyst, Medpace, Inc. 
  • Channel manager, business intelligence, American Greetings 
  • Biostatistician, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 
  • Statistician, Bureau of Labor Statistics 
  • Quantitative associate, Wells Fargo  
  • Director, economic and market analytics, Kohler Co. 
  • Programmer/analyst II, Arbor Research Collaborative for Health 
  • Head of customer intelligence group, AIA Group, Ltd., Hong Kong 
  • Senior software engineer, erwin, inc. 
  • Professor and chair, St. Francis College 
  • Director of systems and operation, iPayX (Internet Payment Exchange) 







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Last Updated: 7/15/24