Department of Art

Art Education Degrees

student art teacher and students making art at tables

Core Philosophy
The Art Education program at the University of Toledo treats art education as a form of art that unites educational theory with practice, and broad studio skills with the ability to engage with arts history and criticism. 

Special Features
Most of the courses are held in the Center for the Visual Arts, adjacent to the internationally recognized Toledo Museum of Art. The Center for Visual Arts boasts excellent instructional and research facilities including state-of-the-art studios, digital labs. The expert faculty of the Studio programs help guide your development by instructing you in the use of these tools, in the development of your artistic voice, and in your understanding of the role the arts play in society.  

As a student, you have access to the Museum's permanent collections as well as many outstanding temporary exhibitions. The collections trace nearly the entire history of art, providing primary sources for the study of visual creativity from remote antiquity to the present day, and the University of Toledo’s Art History courses provide the context and concepts necessary to engage with the collections from the perspective of contemporary Arts Education.

The Art Education Faculty

The faculty represents diverse interests in art education. Their wide spectrum of research, leadership, and involvement in the field of art education has received national and international recognition. As an Art Education major, you will have a faculty adviser who will assist you in choosing courses to fulfill your degree requirements and guide you in preparing for future employment.


Scholarships totaling up to $5,000 are awarded annually to outstanding Art Education majors. These scholarships are available to students with high academic standing and/or financial need.

Employment Opportunities for Art Educators
A large percentage of our graduates have successfully been employed as art teachers in a variety of educational settings, including schools, museums, and arts centers. Looking ahead to the next decade, we anticipate that the job market will continue to offer employment solid opportunities for our graduates.

The Art Education program offers one undergraduate degree, a B.E. in Multi-Age Visual Art Education, and two Master’s degrees. At the Graduate level, the LAMP (Licensure and Alternative Master’s Program) degree is for students pursuing a teaching license, and the Master of Education in Art Education is for students with licensure. All education degrees are conferred by the Judith Herb College of Education.

B.E. in Multi-Age Visual Art Education

Plan of Study

The B.E. in Multi-Age Visual Art Education program satisfies the requirements in Ohio for licensure as an Art Educator for Kindergarten through the 12th grade. The program is designed to develop one's knowledge and skills as a student, teacher, and artist. The program requires the completion of 128 to 135 hours, depending upon the minor concentration.

Central to the program of study is the development of your studio skills in a variety of media. Specific content areas include 18 hours in two-dimensional studies such as drawing, painting, digital art, photography, and printmaking; 9 hours in three-dimensional studies such as ceramics and sculpture; and 9 hours in studio electives. Your study of the history of art, which could include international travel, provides the final 12 hours of the core studies in the Department of Art. The degree also requires 35 hours of general education to ensure a broad foundation in the liberal arts. Finally, you tailor the program to your needs as an artist-educator by selecting an additional 9 hours of concentrated coursework in studio art, art history, or art education.

A critical element in the development of effective teaching skills is a strong professional background in the fundamentals of education. You will also take 9 hours dedicated to the introduction of the history, philosophy and psychology of education. These courses focus on education through the lens of art education, and introduce methods and techniques for teaching art making, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics. Your remaining 12 hours, the professional sequence in art education, provides the final phase of teacher preparation. During these courses, you will be involved in numerous field-based instructional opportunities that include student teaching and a hands-on introduction to "the real world of teaching."

LAMP (Licensure and Alternative Master’s Program)
for Multi-Age Visual Arts Education

Plan of Study

Art Education LAMP (Licensure and Alternative Master’s Program) students engage in a program of study designed for individuals who already hold a Bachelor’s degree in the Arts or related fields. Conceptually, the program links a student’s artistic and educational practice. The LAMP degree satisfies the requirements for licensure in the state of Ohio allowing the graduate to teach in a K-12 setting.

In order to enter the LAMP program, you must meet the following requirements:

You must also submit a transcript, three letters of recommendation, and a digital or physical portfolio of artwork to the administrator of the Graduate level Art Education program at the University of Toledo. Please note that there may be other courses that are required for licensure that haven’t been met in previous studies.

Graduate Coursework: LAMP
In the Art Education LAMP program, you will spend 18 credit hours in the Judith Herb College of Education gaining a broad grasp of educational theory and contemporary issues and practices. You will develop artistic skills through 18 credit hours in the Department of Art. The LAMP program puts these skills into practice through placements in primary, secondary, and special needs settings during methods courses. Licensure requirements (11 credit hours) are fulfilled through student teaching and internships at a primary and a secondary classroom assignment, supplemented with a student teaching seminar. The Master’s degree requires the completion of a capstone project (a thesis or arts project done as an Independent Study, worth 4 credits) in consultation with an advisor.

Master of Education in Art Education
The Master of Education in Art Education is a program designed for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree in Art Education or in a related field, and who wish to develop their conceptual and practical understandings of Art Education pedagogy. This plan of study will be tailored to your research interests, but it is important to note that it does not satisfy licensure requirements in the state of Ohio.
Degree plan

In order to enter the Master of Education in Art Education program, you must meet the requirements of admission to professional education programs. You must also submit a transcript, three letters of recommendation, and a digital or physical portfolio of artwork to the administrator of the graduate level art education program at the University of Toledo. Please note that there may be other courses that are required for licensure that haven’t been met in previous studies.

Graduate Coursework: Master of Education in Art Education  
You develop an understanding of the intersection of art, education, and society through 12 credit hours in the Judith Herb College of Education that explore the psychological, research, social, and curricular foundations of art education. You will work with your advisor to determine the direction of your research specialization, and select 21 hours of graduate level coursework (including a graduate level art education research course) to achieve master’s level proficiency in that specialization. Finally, you will complete a 3-credit hour course as the culminating experience of your degree, most often completed in the form of a master’s project or thesis.

Last Updated: 7/15/24