Department of Art


Dr Jason Cox

Dr. Jason Cox

Ph.D. (2015)  Arts Administration, Education, and Policy
The Ohio State University Dissertation: Educational Communities, Arts-Based Inquiry and Role-Playing: An American Freeform Exploration with Professional and Pre-Service Art Educators Specialization: Arts Education
M.A.T. (2006)  The Maryland Institute College of Art 
B.F.A. (1998) The Maryland Institute College of Art Concentration: General Sculptural Studies

Associate Professor, Art Education

Phone: 419.530.8311

Office: VA 2030



Dr. Jason Cox developed his professional art education experience as a K-8 Art teacher in Washington DC. While attending the Ohio State University for his PhD in Arts Administration, Education, and Policy, Dr. Cox received the prestigious Manuel Barkan Fellowship. Dr. Cox has experience with a range of artistic media, but is especially invested in creating and reflecting upon artistic experiences. His works and studies often involve live-action role-play (larp) and draw upon his theatrical past as a travelling puppeteer. Dr. Cox has presented on his work both domestically and internationally, and has been published in journals for both Art Education and Game Studies.


Dr. Cox has experience with a range of artistic media, but has devoted a significant portion of his practice to performative media. Before becoming a full-time art educator he was a part of Das Puppenspiel, a travelling puppetry troupe that was based out of western New York, and he interned with the Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Baltimore, MD. More recently he has adapted American freeform games, in which players assume different roles to investigate emotional and cognitive spaces, into a media for arts-based inquiry into the discourse of power within educational communities. These studies resulted in several presentations at academic conferences, an article in the International Journal of Education through Art (IJETA) entitled Role-playing games in arts, research and education (Volume 10, Number 3, 2014), and his dissertation, Educational communities, arts-based inquiry and role-playing: An American freeform exploration with professional and pre-service art educators (2015).


Ph.D. (2015)  Arts Administration, Education, and Policy
The Ohio State University Dissertation: Educational Communities, Arts-Based Inquiry and Role-Playing: An American Freeform Exploration with Professional and Pre-Service Art Educators Specialization: Arts Education

M.A.T. (2006)  The Maryland Institute College of Art 

B.F.A. (1998)
The Maryland Institute College of Art Concentration: General Sculptural Studies


Last Updated: 10/1/24