Department of Communication

Meet Some of OUr Successful UToledo Communication Alumni

In today’s information economy, communication is key. 77% of employers look for communication skills on a college student’s resume[1]. Organizations need employees who can efficiently, effectively and creatively connect with colleagues and the wider public. There is no career you can have where communication skills won’t serve you well.

Billionaire Warren Buffet believes that “The one easy way to become worth 50% more than you are now-at least- is to hone your communication skills.”[2]

Honing your communication skills is exactly what we do in the Communication Department. See below to check out some of the ways that UToledo graduates have put their Communication degree to work. You’ll see that a Communication Degree at UToledo gives you many options in today’s marketplace.

Andy Billman

Andy Billman
Year Graduated: 2002
Current Position: Producer for ESPN


   Brandon Cobb    Branden Cobb
  Year Graduated: 2010
  Current Position: Senior      Vice President of Global      Development for Ellora   Infotech 


Benjamin Fletcher

Benjamin Fletcher
Year Graduated: 2010
Current Position: Finance and Operations Manager for the Tempe Convention and Visitors Bureau

Caleb Gill

Caleb Gill
Year Graduated: 2022
Current Position: Sports Director at KJAM Radio

Natalie Gray

Natalie Gray
Year Graduated: 2018
Current Position: Youth Services Manager for the Toledo Arts Commission

Candice Harrison

Candice Harrison
Year Graduated: 2002
Current Position:  Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at SSOE



Isaac Petkac

Isaac Petkac
Graduation year: 2020
Current Position: Sports Anchor & Reporter for Erie News Now


Areeba Shah

Areeba Shah
Graduation year: 2019
Current Position: Politics Staff Writer at Salon



Reggie Temple

Reggie Temple
Graduation Year: 2003
Current Position: Vice President of and Director of Community Development at Premier Bank

Rosalyn Whickum

Rosalyn Whickum

Graduation Year: 2018

Current Position: Digital Media Specialist at YMCA of Greater Toledo


If you are an alumni, and want to be featured on this page, contact our chair W. Benjamin Myers at

Last Updated: 7/15/24