Disability Studies

Jim Ferris

Jim Ferris

Professor, Ability Center Endowed Chair in Disability Studies

MS 920
The University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390

Jim Ferris is a poet and performance artist. He is author of Slouching Towards Guantanamo, Facts of Life, and The Hospital Poems, which won the Main Street Rag Book Award in 2004. Ferris, who holds a doctorate in performance studies, has performed at the Kennedy Center and across the United States, Canada and Great Britain; recent performance work includes the solo performance piece “Scars: A Love Story.” Past president of the Society for Disability Studies, he has received awards for performance and mathematics as well as poetry and creative nonfiction. His writing has appeared in dozens of publications, ranging from POETRY to Text & Performance Quarterly, from the Georgia Review to weekly newspapers. He holds the Ability Center Endowed Chair in Disability Studies at The University of Toledo.


“The Enjambed Body: A Step Toward a Crippled Poetics” -- http://www.cstone.net/~poems/essaferr.htm

“Crip Poetry, Or How I Learned To Love The Limp” -- http://www.wordgathering.com/past_issues/issue2/essay/ferris.html

The Hospital Poems -- http://mainstreetrag.com/bookstore/product/the-hospital-poems/ (sample poems under the Samples tab)

Slouching Toward Guantanamo -- http://mainstreetrag.com/bookstore/product/slouching-toward-guantanamo/ (sample poems under the Samples tab)

Facts of Life -- http://parallelpress.library.wisc.edu/poetry/titles/author.shtml?Ferris

Interview and poems in Connotation Press -- http://www.connotationpress.com/poetry/828-jim-ferris-poetry

Poems -- http://www.wordgathering.com/past_issues/issue18/poetry/ferris1.html

Poems -- http://www.wordgathering.com/issue27/poetry/ferris.html

Interview with Anthony Tusler, Telling Our Disability Stories -- http://atcoalition.org/article/telling-our-disability-stories-interview-jim-ferris

Poem: “How We Swim” -- http://dsq-sds.org/article/view/3289/3254

Poem: “What is the Color Green” -- http://dsq-sds.org/article/view/1016/1247

Poetry Speaks reading -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoWtNBf1wJI

Poem: “Poems with Disabilities” -- http://www.raggededgemagazine.com/0300/b0300poem.htm

Last Updated: 7/15/24