Graduate Programs: International Student Requirements
Beone of the many students from around the globe who attend The University of Toledo.
In addition to the requirements for regular admission, all
students from non-english speaking countries must achieve satisfactory scores on the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the
aptitude and advanced sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Completed
applications will be reviewed only if a TOEFL score of 450 or
higher is submitted. If approved for admission, the student is eligible to be admitted
to a graduate program but may not commence his or her
studies until the TOEFL is re-taken a score of 550 or higher is achieved. The American Language Institute
of The University of Toledo (ALI), offers intensive language training for students
of English as a second language.
All international
students also must demonstrate that they have adequate financial resources for their
graduate education before they can be admitted. A financial
statement must be completed by the applicant before an admission can be completed.
All international students are required to have health and
accident insurance at the time of registration. International student admissions information
is detailed in the Graduate Admission Requirements and in the Graduate School ApplicationVisit our Office of International Services page for programs and services available to
our international population including the University's new International House
Residence Hall.