Department of English Language and Literature

Robert Turley

Robert TurleyAssociate Professor
FH 1400 G

Robert Turley (M.A. Tulsa University, 1979, Ph.D. Florida State University, 1992) Associate Professor, teaches Literature and Mythology, Reading Drama and Honors Reading Conference. His graduate studies in humanities with a focus on theatre has provided opportunities to obtain three NEH grants, publish two survey texts in the humanities and popular culture as well as become involved in community theatre productions where he occasionally enjoys acting and directing. He also teaches a humanities sequence, a popular culture course and a recently developed ALS course on Hollywood's Western Hero on a rotating basis through the Division of Distance Learning. Currently his research and work involves writing a text to complement his course on Literature and Mythology and an upcoming Distance Learning course on the films of Alfred Hitchcock. Rob's other interests include landscape painting, classical guitar, biking and motorcycle touring.

Last Updated: 7/15/24