Matthew Wikander
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
FH 1500G
Matthew H. Wikander, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of English, writes about early modern and modern drama. He is the author of Fangs of Malice: Hypocrisy, Sincerity, and Acting (University of Iowa Press, 2002), Princes to Act: Royal Audience and Royal Performance, 1578-1792 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), and The Play of Truth and State: Historical Drama from Shakespeare to Brecht (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986). His numerous articles and reviews have been published in Shakespeare Survey, Shakespeare Quarterly, Shakespeare Bulletin, Comparative Drama, and Modern Drama, among other journals. His most recent essays have been invited contributions to The Cambridge Companions to O'Neill, Shaw, and Strindberg (Cambridge University Press), and The Blackwell Companion to Tragedy. His research has received substantial support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Newberry Library, and was honored by the University of Toledo with an Outstanding Faculty Research Award in 1993. Wikander holds BA degrees from Williams College and Cambridge University (where he spent two years as a Marshall Scholar) and the Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. At the University of Toledo he teaches Shakespeare, Modern Drama, and a variety of other courses, and serves as an Undergraduate Advisor. He is The University of Toledo's Institutional Representative for the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships.