Department of English Language and Literature

Composition Program

Upcoming Events
Please check back here later in the summer for information on upcoming Composition Program events.

Looking for help transitioning to an Online Writing Course?  Visit our Online Resources page.

The University of Toledo's Composition Program houses first and second semester writing courses.  Each year, approximately 3000 students take classes in our program. including ENGL 1010 College Composition I Co-Requisite, ENGL 1110 College Composition I, ENGL 1130 College Composition II: Academic Discourses and Disciplines, ENGL 2950 Scientific and Technical Report Writing, and ENGL 2960 Professional and Business Writing. Our courses are offered in various formats, including face-to-face sessions, hybrid courses that involve a mixture of on-campus and online meetings, and courses that are in completely online, distance learning environments.   To find out more about our range of first and second semester writing courses, click on the Common Syllabi and Course Description links.

Our instructors consist of tenured professors, full-time lecturers, graduate student teaching assistants, and adjunct faculty members.  Our faculty include instructors with Ph.D. degrees in English, Rhetoric and Composition, and American Studies, along with M.A. and M.F.A. degrees in various humanities related fields.  To learn more about our dedicated faculty members, click on the Faculty link.  You can also visit our Faculty Recognition page to learn more about the tremendous work faculty are doing in our program.

The mission of the UT Composition Program addresses the goals we have for our writing courses, focusing on four areas we believe are vital to student success.  To read more about our program's mission, click on the Mission link.

Students, are you looking for some extra help in completing your writing assignments? Check out the resources available to you in both the Writing Resources and the Students areas.  For faculty members new to the program, visit the Faculty Resources page for links to important university and program documents.

Finally, feel free to contact the Director of the Composition Program at any time if you have questions or concerns; see the Contact Us link for more information.



Last Updated: 7/15/24