Department of English Language and Literature

Composition Program Faculty Recognition Awards

Faculty Recognition Awards are presented to selected instructors at the University of Toledo Composition Program’s Fall Faculty Workshop. Instructors are chosen based on their contributions to the program in teaching and/or service areas. The following is a list of past honorees:

August 21, 2019: Teresa Boyer (for service in multiple program committees) and Sue Hoehing (for exemplary teaching to the program)

August 22, 2018: Bob Imbur and Paul Stabile (Writing Center Faculty Consultant Pilot Program) and Paul Conner (for exemplary teaching to the program)

August 23, 2017:  Sara Yaklin and Mary Beth Wetli (Composition Institute for Teaching Excellence) and Mike Dubose (for exceptional teaching in the program)

August 17, 2016:  Michelle Davidson, Suzanne Smith, Deirdre Perlini, Sheri Benton, Paul Wise, and Bob Imbur (Common Read Committee) and Linda Panczner (teaching excellence in composition program and work on program pedagogical projects)

August 19, 2015:  Deborah Coulter-Harris (leadership for the Shapiro Revision Contest) and Elliot Adams (exemplary teaching and work with the Inside-Out program)

August 20, 2014:  Paul Wise, Sheri Benton, Deirdre Perlini, Carol Parsil, Alex Derosa, Carrie Kemmett, and Dusty Lynn Miller (service and teaching in the Writing Studio courses)

August 16, 2013:  Pat Reid, Paul Wise and Suzanne Smith (service to the Composition Committee); Robert Cox (teaching excellence in first and second semester writing courses)

August 17, 2012: Michelle Davidson (for service to the program through committee, placement reading, and Epsilen work); Deborah Coulter-Harris and Sarah Abts (for exceptional teaching in the program)

August 19, 2011: Eliot Adams, Sabrina Peters-Whitehead, Mike Piotrowski, Paul Wise, and Mary Beth Vanness (2950/60 Course Transformation Team)




Last Updated: 7/15/24