Online Teaching Resources
University of Toledo Resources
- Faculty Guides and Documentation for using Blackboard in Courses (if you have questions about tools in Blackboard, this is the site to visit)
- Tips for Moving to Online Writing Instruction In a Hurry (this is a guide that Tyler Branson put together for our department)
- Remote Access and Virtual Class Operation
- Guidance for Transition to Remote Delivery of Classes for Students Utilizing Accommodations
- Teacher to Teacher Resource Page
- Carlson Library's Open Educational Resources
- Hybrid Teaching LibGuide
- Student Success University Support Page
- For Students: The Center for Success Coaching has created five short videos to help
students with their remote learning. Feel free to add these to your courses:
Conquer the Clock (Time Management):
Stress Management:
Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade:
Cornell Notes for Math Courses:
Resources on Moving Courses to Online Environment
- More than "Moving Online": Critical and Creative Teaching in Response to the Covid-19 Crisis
- Please Do a Bad Job of Putting Your Courses Online
- Personal, Accessible, Responsive, Strategic: Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors (e-text)
- The Bedford Bibliography of Research in Online Writing Instruction
- Finding the "Sweet Spot": 4 Tips for Moving Classes Online Quickly
- How I’m Spending my Pandemic Summer Vacation: This article introduces some good ideas to consider for fall courses. The article also contains a number of strong resources (including books, articles, and online sources) that can be reviewed.
- Delivering High-Quality Instruction Online in Response to Covid-19: This "faculty playbook" provides information and resources for online teaching in such areas as equity, course design, course management, and evaluation.
- The Online Writing Instruction Community: There are links and resources for beginner and experienced online writing instructors.
- Using Breakout Rooms with Less Stress and Better Results
- Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction
- Zoom and Live Class Meeting Options (includes a good list of issues to consider when holding a class online in real time)
- How to Build an Online Learning Community: 6 Theses
- The WAC Clearinghouse ( The Clearinghouse has published or made available full text books in partnership with groups such as NCTE, Utah State University Press, and others (now more than 115 volumes) as well as journal articles for free download in open-access formats. In addition, the site offers a range of resources that might be of use to instructors and students, including Resources for Instructors (including more than 25 Teaching Guides and 16 Faculty Tip Sheets) and Resources for Writers (including more than 80 Writing Guides and a list of Open-Access Textbooks). You can visit the Resource pages at And you can search the site from any of its pages.
Class Materials Resources (sample syllabi, assignments, activities for online instruction)
- Excelsior Online Writing Lab (includes links to resources related to the writing process, research, rhetoric, argument, etc)
- GSOLE (Global Society of Online Literacy Educators) Just-In-Time Resources
- ELI Review (information on how to use their peer review services for free during the Covid-19 Crisis)
- Conducting Online Discussions
- FlipGrid: Our own Joey Gamble suggested this as a possible resource for faculty. As he describes the site, it “allows students to create short, TikTok-like video responses to questions, rather than simply posting text on the discussion board. (Here's an example of what that looks like featuring some adorable elementary school children).”
- MindMeister: This is a “mind mapping” site that could be used for brainstorming, group activities, note taking, and managing information for larger projects.