In the text, The Call to Write, John Trimbur states that “Proposals put forth plans of action and seek to persuade readers that those plans should be implemented. Like commentary, proposals involve analyzing issues, taking a position, and making an argument. However, proposals go beyond commentaries by defining problems that need attention and proposing a solution.”
A Proposal that is both capable of solving the problem and suitable for doing so is said to be feasible. To have a chance of being implemented, a Proposal needs to establish that its solution will have the intended effects and that it fits the situation.
Proposals typically require research and need to convince readers. Proposals are a form of persuasive writing, and clear statements of problems and solutions, demonstrations of feasibility, documentation through research, and careful organization can all help make a Proposal persuasive to readers.
The following are a list of helpful resources (both online and print) to help you get started on writing a Proposal:
Handouts (from the Writing Studio webpage)
- Adding Perspectives to Argument
- Argumentation (Podcast)
- Audience and Purpose
- Finding Academic Journals
- Logical Fallacies
- Opinion Essays
- Reading Assignments Critically
- Responding to Readings
- Rhetorical Appeals
- What is a Genre and Why Should I Care
Online Sources (Articles and PDFs)
- Proposal Writer's Guide: Online guidebook from University of Michigan
- Writing a Scientific Research Proposal: Online handout from University of Connecticut
Online Sources (Websites)
- Writing Proposals Handout: Handout on proposals and technical reports from Purdue OWL
- Proposal Writing Resources: List of links to resources provided by UC Berkeley
- Proposals: Information on proposal writing from Texas A & M University Writing Center
- Proposal Writing Basics: Offers practical advice and hint
- Sample Informal Proposal
Visual Sources
- The Key Forms of Business Writing: Proposals (YouTube Video)
- Writing in the Disciplines: Proposals: Offers both advice and short video clips