Department of Geography and Planning

Center for Geographic Information Sciences and Applied Geographics (GISAG)


gisagThe Center for Geographic Information Sciences and Applied Geographics (GISAG) at the University of Toledo serves as a focal point for GIS contract research on campus and in the local and regional community, a clearinghouse for GIS research opportunities, and provides sources of expertise to enhance student learning at all levels and across a wide range of academic disciplines. The GISAG Center will offer GIS graduate certification programs, provide geospatial databases to campus users, and administer system-wide GIS software licenses. In addition, the center seeks to solve complex problems related to regional and community issues, environmental protection, land use planning, economic development, site characterization, resource mapping and GIS/GPS support.

gisagThe Department of Geography & Planning has well-equipped laboratories for the analysis of geographic information systems (GIS), digital cartography, remote sensing, transportation analysis/planning, location analysis/planning, community development, and environmental impact analysis/planning. The Center for Geographic Information Science and Applied Geographics ( GISAG ), the Lake Erie Center ( LEC ), and our teaching lab offer a range of technologies. The GISAG Center is powered by 7 servers, including 2 CITRIX application Mainframes, 5 Terrabytes of storage, a Digital Blackboard, 42" InkJet Photo-Plotter, Polycom Teleconferencing System, and 35 PC workstations. All of the labs offer the latest software including ArcGIS, arcIMS, TransCAD, Idrisi, PCI-Geomatics, Leica Systems ERDAS Imagine, ENVI, IDL, Surfer, and SPSS. The department has access to remote sensing imagery including Landsat, SPOT, MODIS, EO-1, GOES, Ikonos, Quickbird, and AVHRR data. In addition, students, faculty, and staff have access to the latest census data in GIS format as well as US Geodata from the U.S. Geological Survey.


gisagCenter for Geographic Information Sciences and Applied Geographics (GISAG)
Snyder Memorial Rm. 3050
Phone: 419.530.2699
Fax: 419.530.7919

Go to the GISAG Website

See what we've done with our ArcIMS service.

The GISAG has been supported by the National Science Foundation under a Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Grant No. 0116876.

Last Updated: 7/15/24