Department of Geography and Planning

University Toledo first graduates from SISS PhD program

December. 17th 2014

first graduates from SISS PhD program

In photo: from left to right: Dr. Patrick Lawrence (GEPL Dept Chair), Eric Wang, Dr. Peter Lindquist (SISS Phd program director and advisor to Wang), April Ames, Jeff Eloff, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (advisor to Ames)

The Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toledo is pleased to announce that at the university fall 2014 commencement on December 20th, the first graduates of the PhD program in Spatially Integrated Social Science received their doctorate degrees: April Ames (advisor Dr. Kevin Czajkowski), Eric Wang (advisor Dr. Peter Lindquist) and Jeff Eloff (advisor Dr. Oleg Smirnov, Economics).

The SISS Phd program at U Toledo started in 2009 and is an unique multidisciplinary program involving faculty from four departments within the College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences (Economics, Political Science and Public Administration, Sociology and Anthropology, and Geography and Planning) with the Department of Geography and Planning serving as the advising and administrative department for the program, Dr. Peter Lindquist as the program director and advisor.

There are currently 14 students in the SISS Phd program from a variety of academic backgrounds within the social sciences and currently engaged in dissertation research in areas including transportation, public heath, economics, GIScience, and environment). Interested potential applicants or others interested in the program are referred to the program website at:
Last Updated: 7/15/24