History Department


Give to the UToledo Department of History

Research and Travel Assistance for currently enrolled students

The History Department has a number of scholarship for graduate students which are intended to support their research and travel while enrolled in our program.

In order to apply for these funds, students—after consultation with their faculty adviser -- must submit a formal written request for research and/or travel assistance to the History Department chairperson. The request must include specific, detailed information and justification for travel or research related to the completion of one’s degree or professional advancement. The requests must also include an itemized budget that includes accurate estimates for transportation (ex: airfare, trains, mileage), lodging, any registration or entrance fees, meals, and any other miscellaneous expenses (ex: parking, scans/photocopies, etc.)

Lloyd and Betty Lapp Merit Award

The Lloyd and Betty Lapp Award was endowed by its namesakes. Lloyd Lapp was a Professor in the History Department who studied the history of the American Revolution and the US Constitution. He was active throughout the university community and participated in our very own Phi Alpha Theta. He served in World War Two from January 1942 until he was honorably discharged in 1945, earning numerous medals. Betty Lapp was a philanthropic member of the Toledo community. She volunteered with numerous organizations such as Flower Hospital and the Toledo Hospital, and the Monroe Street United Methodist Church, where she volunteered in in the church’s nursery and outreach services. We are grateful for their continued support to our department.

The History Department awards Lapp funds to assist currently enrolled graduate students. Talk to your adviser and review directions above to apply for this funding.

Glenn Ames Graduate Research Fund

This fund is named after our late friend and colleague Dr. Glenn Ames, who passed away for cancer in 2010. Dr. Ames was the author 6 books and a specialist in Early Modern European History. His research took him to archives in France, England, the Netherlands, Portugal, and India. He would surely be delighted to see our graduate students conducting research and pursuing scholarly endeavors in near and far away places.

The Ames fund provides financial assistance to graduate student research and conference travel. Specifically, these funds provide graduate students with the opportunity to travel to historical archives and libraries around the country or internationally. In addition the funds help to pay for the travel expenses of graduate students who are invited to present their research at a professional conference.

Douglas Graduate Scholarship

The Douglas Scholarship for Advanced Teaching is intended to assist secondary-school social studies teachers to earn their Master’s degrees in History so as to be certified as “highly qualified teachers.” Recipients of this scholarship will pursue the Masters’ degree in history (twelve credit hours per year, e.g. Fall 3 hours, Spring 3 hours, Summer 6 hours) while continuing as active teachers. The Douglas Scholarship will provide financial assistance for tuition and books.

Giving to the Graduate Program in History at the University of Toledo

Each and every gift to the Department of History plays an essential role in our mission to continue to provide the very best education and experiences for our graduate students. Please consider giving a financial gift to our graduate program -- no matter how big or small -- to invest in the continued success of the History Department. Any support, whether $25, $250, or something more, will positively affect our graduate students and the future of the Department. 

Donate online


Then enter the name or funding number from one of the funds below into the search box. This will take you to the specific link where you can donate to one of the following funds.

  • History Progress Fund (2400435) Supports general and priority needs of the History Department
  • Patrick Schneider Memorial Scholarship (1300564): Supports scholarships for history students demonstrating financial need.
  • C.V. Wolfe History Scholarship (1412001) Provides scholarships for history students. Recipients must be graduates of Ohio high schools who rank in the top 15 percent of their class. Awards are based on financial need and high academic promise.
  • Donald L. Solomon Foundation Scholarship Fund (2401986) Provides scholarships to incoming freshman History majors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must reside in Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa, or Wood counties in Ohio and be living in family home commuting to classes.
  • William H. Leckie History Fund (1301663): Provides financial assistance to the History Department in any form deemed fit by the current chairperson
  • Glenn Ames Graduate Research Fund (2402346): Provides financial assistance to graduate student research and conference travel. Specifically, these funds provide graduate students with the opportunity to travel to historical archives and libraries around the country or internationally. In addition the funds help to pay for the travel expenses of graduate students who are invited to present their research at a professional conference.

Alternatively, contact the chairperson of the History Department to discuss your donation:

Dr. Ami Pflugrad-Jackisch
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of History
5240 University Hall, MS 970
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 530-4540
Last Updated: 7/15/24