Law and Social Thought

Alumni Stories

Emily Numbers - class of 2014



Ashlyn Carroll - Class of 2012

Ashlyn Carroll started her Americorps job at the Food Bank of Iowa just after she graduated as a Law and Social Thought major in spring of 2012. Within two weeks she was finding connections with work she did in the Inside/Out Prison Exchange Project at UT. Firstly, she found that the Food Bank of Iowa started a partnership with the Newton Correctional Institution, where they farm 12 acres of land and donate that produce to our food bank (and we distribute it to all of our partner agencies, who distribute it directly to those in need).

Also, she visits partner agencies; one of them is a summer camp for kids of incarcerated individuals, it's through a program called Angel Tree (here's the website -, which collects Christmas gifts for those kids, among other things. 

She is involved with organizing an exhibit called Hunger and Resilience.  The website has 5 minute clips and pictures from individuals throughout the country telling their stories.

Generally, Ashlyn has the responsibility of aiding with agency capacity building. She will travel all over the state of Iowa and help individual agencies receive and distribute more food. She reports she is very excited to begin that work after a period of moving in and becoming oriented to her new job.

Logan Sheehan - Class of 2006

UToledo Lawa and Social Thought graduate Logan Sheehan shaking hands with President Barak Obama

Logan Sheehan,  graduated from The University of Toledo in 2006 with a degree in Law and Social Thought. He went to work for Habitat for Humanity in Washington D.C. Here he welcomes President Obama to a Habitat worksite in D.C. and explains the project to the Obamas. He attributes his capacity to think critically about community organizing and planning to his undergraduate studies in Law and Social Thought.

UToledo Lawa and Social Thought graduate Logan Sheehan meeting with Barak and Michelle Obama


He is currently a master's degree candidate in the Department of Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. His personal statement for his application to graduate schools is a good example of self-reflective and intellectually rigorous writing.Have a look at it as you think about what your personal statement for future applications might contain.

Last Updated: 7/15/24