Law and Social Thought

Faculty Advisors

LST is a fully interdisciplinary program to which over 25 faculty members from 10 departments in three colleges at the University of Toledo contribute. Three faculty members in the College of Arts and Letters serve as advisors and in a leadership role for the program. Feel free to call or write to any of these faculty concerning LST-related issues or questions. They are:

Renee Heberle
Co-Director, Law and Social Thought
Associate Professor, Political Science and Public Administration
SM 3008
419.530.4199 (fax)

Jerry Van Hoy
Co-Director, Law and Social Thought
Director, Master of Liberal Studies Program
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
UH 2640
419.530.8406 (fax)

Sam Nelson
Associate Professor and Chair,  Political Science and Public Administration
SM 3004
419.530.4199 (fax)

LST's faculty is dedicated to student-centered education and to challenging students to learn and excel. If you want to learn more about a faculty member's philosophy of teaching or would like to learn more about a course that is being offered as an LST cross-listed course, please visit that professor, ask to see the syllabus, and be prepared to discuss ideas. LST's advisors and fellow students can help you make good choices.

Last Updated: 7/15/24