Department of Psychology

Child Anxiety and Stress Lab

The goal of CASL is to contribute to the growing body of knowledge related to child and adolescent stress and anxiety and the role that parental cognitions, emotions, and behaviors play in these child outcomes.

Members of CASL conduct research both in the lab and in the schools. Our methods of data collection include but are not limited to self-report questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and behavioral observation paradigms. 

Some research areas that are of current interest to the CASL team include:

  • Child and parent anxiety
  • Child and parent anxiety sensitivity
  • Parental influences on child anxiety
  • Anxiety prevention programming in the schools
  • The role of control-related beliefs in anxiety

Our clinical research interests are broadly defined by the area of child anxiety and stress and are not restricted to those listed above. If you are interested in collaborating with us as a student or faculty researcher in this area, please contact Dr. Sarah Francis to discuss further.

Last Updated: 7/15/24