Department of Psychology

Psychobiology and Learning

Research ArmusThis area has as its focus both the theoretical and applied areas of psychobiology and learning, primarily using animal subjects. Although this may seem to be an unusual combination of areas, it is not, as psychobiologists typically employ behavioral (learning) techniques in their research projects. The emphasis in psychobiology at UT is on audition, using computer applications and operant conditioning techniques, as well as on psychophysical methods, evolutionary theory, comparative acoustics, and behavioral neuroscience. The learning research is directed toward basic areas in the discipline, such as the effect of response effort on learning and secondary reinforcement, conflict and frustration, and the investigation of learning in primitive, simple organisms. Links to the different laboratories, as well as a brief description of the research interests of the faculty involved in this area, can be found by clicking on the links below.


Laboratory of Comparative Hearing
Laboratory of Learning and Behavioral Microbiology


Faculty Investigators:
Harvard L. Armus, Ph.D.
Rickye Heffner, Ph.D.
Henry Heffner, Ph.D.

Kellie Marchetto, B.S.

Last Updated: 7/15/24