Department of Psychology

Psi Chi

Psi Chi Logo

Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of “encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.” With over 1,050 chapters, Psi Chi is one of the largest honor societies in the United States and is an affiliate of both the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS).


The UTOledo Chapter

The University of Toledo Psi Chi Chapter provides psychology majors and minors with a community of like-minded individuals and an opportunity to grow as a student and future professional in the field of psychology. Our goal is to prepare our members for success post-graduation. To do so, we provide information about topics such as career options in psychology, the graduate school application process, and how you can stand out as a stellar applicant!

Our meetings range from social events that help you connect with fellow psychology students over informational presentation on important topics to workshops in which you will get to work closely with our executive board members to perfect your application materials or learn more about psychological research.

Click Here to Become a Member! 


So, what does membership in Psi Chi do for me?

  • Psi Chi has a generous (over $300,000) awards & grants program available only to its members.
  • Psi Chi members attend national and regional conventions. The UT Chapter attends the annual meeting of MPA in Chicago in May.
  • Some chapters provide information on graduate study in psychology and assist members in the graduate school application process.
  • Membership provides one with an opportunity to tutor and to get involved in a variety of community service and social events.
  • It looks good on one’s curriculum vita (resume)!

Meeting Schedule

This semester (Fall 2023), we will be offering weekly meetings on Thursdays at 6pm in University Hall Room 1840. Our meetings are open to anyone that is interested in joining – official membership is NOT required.

More information about our meetings can be found on Invonet and in our weekly reminder emails, GroupMe, and on Instagram.

If you have any questions about our meeting schedule, please feel free to contact us!


Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, we are always happy to help!

Email us:

Join our GroupMe:

Follow us on Instagram: @PsiChiUT


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kamala London
Co-Presidents: Legend Coleman, Kim Gorner
Vice President: Ananya Chatterjee
Treasurer: Danielle Oldfield
Secretary: Zoë Castillo
Marketing Chair: Rohan Peramsetty

Useful Links

National Psi Chi Organization Website
Pursuing Graduate School Information Page

Last Updated: 7/15/24