Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Upcoming Sociology Courses

Spring 2024

SOC 1010 -  Introduction to Sociology (Lecture/Online)

Sociological topics regarding social behavior, institutional dynamics and social change are examined, and the principles and basic concepts used by sociologists are taught.

SOC 1020 - Social Problems (Online)

Introduces students to the sociological perspective through the analysis of various social problems includinag inequality, population, environment, workplace and deviant behavior.

SOC 2660 - Racial & Ethnic Minorities in the United States

This course is a sociological exploration of American racial and ethnic groups. Emphasis is placed on the social construction of race and ethnicity and patterns of intergroup interactions. The historical experiences of selected groups are examined with emphasis on structural inequalities.

SOC 2900- African American Culture

A survey of the sociohistorical and cultural factors related to the African American experience in the United States.

SOC 3290 - Social Statistics

Study of major statistical procedures and techniques in sociology.

SOC 3890 - Ecotourism: Studies of the Africana World (Online)

Introduce students to the field of ecotourism studies and specific challenges of community development and sustainability. The course covers ecotoursim in the Africana world of Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

SOC 4180 - Medical Sociology

An analysis of the sociocultural factors in health and illness, and in medical and paramedical services, and in the field of health practice as a social institution.

SOC 4440- People, Population and Society: Demographic Analysis

Methods of population analysis, including examination and evaluation of data sources.

SOC 4830- Social Movements [WAC]

This course analyzes how and why social protest movements form, and how and why they succeed or fail. Attention will be given to post-World War II social movements, including current examples.

Graduate CourseS

SOC 5180 - Medical Sociology

An analysis of the sociocultural factors in health and illness, and in medical and paramedical services, and in the field of health practice as a social institution.

SOC 5290 - Social Statistics

Study of major statistical procedures and techniques in sociology.

SOC5440- Methods of Population Analysis

Methods of population analysis, including examination and evaluation of data sources.

SOC 5830- Social Movements

This course analyzes how and why social protest movements form, and how and why they succeed or fail. Attention will be given to post-World War II social movements, including current examples.

SOC 6050 - Advanced social theory and political economy

This course will analyze and evaluate major social theories drawn from various 19th and 20th century intellectual and ideological traditions. The common subject focus of course readings is state, power and class relations.

SOC 6930 - Graduate Seminar: Law and Society

This course examines the function and force of law in society from a Sociological perspective. We will explore the nature of law in jurisprudence and sociology, legal reasoning, and the relationship of the legal form and reasoning to social change.


You can find descriptions for all our courses in the UT Course Description Catalog HERE

Last Updated: 9/14/23