Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Sociology Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Minor

The University of Toledo offers both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Minor in Sociology. You can learn more about the program, including requirements, a the plan of study, and admission requirements HERE.

4+1 Bridge Program: The Master of Arts in Sociology offers an early admission / bridge program for undergraduate students at The University of Toledo. Click HERE to learn more about the program.

Master of Arts in Sociology

The University of Toledo offers a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Sociology via an on campus program as well as an all online program. You can learn more about the on campus M.A. program HERE and explore the online option HERE.

UT Graduate students (no matter their degree program) can also earn a Graduate Certificate in Applied Social Research. Find more information about the certificate requirements HERE.

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is part of the University of Toledo's PhD Program in Spatially Integrated Social Science. This program is designed around the application of geographic information science, spatial statistics, spatial econometrics and spatial analysis to study the spatial dimension of human and social dynamics, including interaction of individuals and society, government, and market participants. Click HERE for more info.


Still curious? Check out what you can do with a degree in Sociology.

Last Updated: 8/21/24