Department of World Languages and Cultures

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Take Your Degree to New Places

Want to become more competitive in the global marketplace? Add a minor or take courses in World Languages and Cultures.

Every profession and discipline can benefit from studying foreign languages and cultures — from business and engineering to nursing and beyond.

Why take World Language and Culture Classes?

  • Proficiency in foreign languages and cultures makes you more competitive in the global job market. It shows employers you're ready to work at an international level.
  • International employers rely on professionals with cultural competence to navigate crucial social dynamics.
  • Learning a foreign language helps add a valuable human element to technical degrees.
  • Cultural competence helps build bridges with diverse stakeholders.
  • World Languages and Cultures courses satisfy core humanities requirements, keeping you on track for graduation.

Language and Culture Courses

We offer classes in:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Latin
  • Spanish

Connect with your academic advisor to learn more.


Meet Zoe Farrugia

’22, Bachelor of Science with honors in Nursing; earned a Global Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish

“I chose to study Spanish alongside my Nursing degree because I want to be able to care for my Spanish-speaking patients with the same congruency as I do my English-speaking patients. Language should never be a barrier to care, and studying Spanish is my way of working to be a part of consistent, congruent healthcare.”

After she graduates, Zoe will enter Cleveland Clinic’s Nurse Residency Program as a medical ICU nurse.


Meet Deidra Buenger

'20, Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Asian Studies, Minor in Japanese

“At UToledo I competed at Japanese competitions and studied abroad in Japan. I wanted to take the next step to a career in language and communication and enrolled in the Translation M.A. program at Kent State. The mentoring I received from UToledo faculty set me up for success. I am currently collaborating with UToledo’s Dr. Yamazaki on a research project I started about how learners of Japanese use devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as tools for language learning.”


Meet Lydia Rich

'20, Bachelor of Arts in German

“I had no knowledge of German when I started at UToledo, but I enrolled in Accelerated German my first year so that I could start major courses in my second year and study abroad in my third… I owe a large part of that to my excellent preparation in UToledo’s German courses.”


Meet Chad Hawsman

’19, Bachelor of Arts in German

“Studying in Germany has allowed me to completely blend in in some cases. When everything comes together and you can pass yourself off as a German, even for a moment, you get to experience German culture in its purest form. These moments show that all my German classes are paying off and keep me motivated.”

Last Updated: 7/15/24