Department of World Languages and Cultures

Manuel R. Montes, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Latin American Literatures & Cultures
Cohetes Editor-in-Chief
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Office: Field House 2400K (MS 127)
Phone: (419) 530 2954

Ph.D. in Romance Languages & Literatures
University of Cincinnati
M.A. in Mexican Literature
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
B.A. in Literature
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

SPAN 1090 Culture of Latin America

SPAN 3020 Conversation and Composition II

SPAN 3270 Survey of Latin American Literature I

SPAN 3280 Survey of Latin American Literature II

SPAN 3420 Latin American Civilization

SPAN 4980/5980 Special Topics: «Creative Writing in Spanish»

SPAN 4980/5980 Special Topics: «Art, Literature, Resistance and Critical Thinking from Latin America»

SPAN 4980/5980 Special Topics: «Narratives on Contemporary Latin American Immigration»

Last Updated: 7/15/24