1998 - 2000 Catalog Archive

Degrees Offered

Degrees Offered

The College of Arts and Sciences offers programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Music. The Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded to students who major in a discipline within the humanities and the social sciences. The Bachelor of Science degree is awarded to majors in biology, medical technology, nursing and physics. Either the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degrees may be awarded to majors in chemistry, geology, mathematics and to interdepartmental majors, depending on the disciplines selected for emphasis. The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree may be awarded to majors in either art or theatre. The Bachelor of Music degree may be awarded to majors in music.

A Second Degree at The University of Toledo

A student earning a first degree at The University of Toledo may earn a second Bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences by taking a minimum of 20 additional semester hours and satisfying all requirements for both degrees. The student must take the additional 20 hours in Arts and Sciences course work, unless the student's major department requires course work outside the College to satisfy major or related requirements. An undergraduate with a degree from another institution is considered a transfer student and must earn a minimum of 30 hours in residence at The University of Toledo.

Last Updated: 11/15/23